[dependencies]TSPL= {git="https://github.com/HigherOrderCO/TSPL.git"}hvm="2.0.21" Then the code does not compile anymore, even though the version in the main branch in git has the exact same code as the published version0.0.12. We get an error and a warning: warning: unused import:...
I seems to me that the problem is thatthis code, added in PR#5962, supposes there will be at least one redirect, but when using an internal repository we will have the direct url from the start. The same error for me, and I just setup a nginx proxy to resolve this. You need to ...
To add a new remote, click the + icon when hovering over Remote in the left panel, then fill in the remote URL.When using an integration like GitHub or Bitbucket, select the remotes from your collaborators in the dropdown box. This makes viewing other forks of the same repository quick ...
Incorporates changes from a remote repository into the current branch. If the current branch is behind the remote, then by default it will fast-forward the current branch to match the remote. If the current branch and the remote have diverged, the user needs to specify h...
You shouldn't need submodule for that kind f setup, where you replicate one repo from one environment (Dev) to another (Staging), a bit like "git repository sync between computers, when moving around?". Your process (add a remote and push) is correct, except you should: pu...
An ugly error message. Something about a no configured push location. In most of your interactions with remote repositories, you will be pushing and pulling changes from your origin. In this case, we created this repository on our own and that's why we need to specify the destination where...
but the next step is synchronizing it with the remote repository. This could be hosted on platforms like GitHub, your company’s main Git server, a production machine, or even a colleague’s repository. Once changes are delivered, others can pull them down and work with them. Git offers se...
Step 1/5 : FROM python:3.4-alpine Trying to pull repository docker.io/library/python ... 3.4-alpine: Pulling from docker.io/library/python 8e402f1a9c57: Pull complete cda9ba2397ef: Pull complete aafecf9bbbfd: Pull complete bc2e7e266629: Pull complete ...
An ugly error message. Something about a no configured push location. In most of your interactions with remote repositories, you will be pushing and pulling changes from your origin. In this case, we created this repository on our own and that's why we need to specify the destination where...
这里的mysql就是repository,5.7就是tag,合一起就是镜像名称,代表5.7版本的MySQL镜像。 2.1.2.镜像命令 2.1.3.案例1-拉取、查看镜像 需求:从DockerHub中拉取一个nginx镜像并查看 1)首先去镜像仓库搜索nginx镜像,比如DockerHub: 2)根据查看到的镜像名称,拉取自己需要的镜像,通过命令:docker pull nginx ...