Body position puts pressure on the tendons, pulling her arm into a slight flex. La posizione del corpo mette in tensione i tendini, obbligando il suo braccio ad una leggera... flessione. OpenSubtitles2018.v3 At first, he explained this as a post mortem effect, a tendon pulling the ...
词组短语 1.PulledElbow牵引肘;扯肘症 2.pulledwool生产用羊毛,原料毛... 3.pulledsurface皱裂面;皱裂表面;传动表面 4.pulledjunction生长结;拉制结 5.pulled-type coil穿入式线圈 6.pulledtendon肌腱曳伤 7.pulledfigs无花果干 8.pulledfodder晒干的谷物叶类饲料... ...
to pull a muscle/tendon sich 第三格 einen Muskel/eine Sehne zerren 4. pull 俗 (take out): to pull a gun/knife eine Pistole/ein Messer ziehen to pull a gun/knife on sb jdn mit einer Pistole/einem Messer bedrohen to pull a tooth einen Zahn ziehen 单数在互联网中有 6 个...
+ It will become so dry that neither a strong arm nor many people will be needed to pull it up by the roots. + Si seccherà, e per sradicarla non serviranno né un braccio forte né tante persone. jw2019 He had seen Maxim take the boat from the moorings, and pull back in ...
Posted in Other Sports Injuries | Tagged Allison Bond, arm injury, elbow injury, injury, Little League Elbow, sports injury Tennis Elbow Posted on June 12, 2011 by Allison Bond Perhaps one of the best-known sports injuries is tennis elbow, an overuse injury of a tendon in the elbow. ...
Body position puts pressure on the tendons, pulling her arm into a slight flex. La posición del cuerpo aplica presión a los tendones, flexionando levemente el brazo. OpenSubtitles2018.v3 Otherwise I'll gouge out your eyes, cut off your tongue, pull out your tendons... and tear off...