but then need to rely on the web to create your pull requests. We’re continually bringing productivity enhancements to Visual Studio and are excited to announce that as of 17.7 preview 2 release. You can now create a pull request without leaving the development environment. ...
Create a New Branch.Before you can create a pull request, you’ll need to create a new branch for your changes. This keeps your modifications separate from the main branch until they’re ready to be merged. CommitandPushYour Changes.Then, you can commit and push your changes as you norma...
5)接下来点击上方的Pull请求,并创建一个新的请求New pull request。 6)原仓库的GitHub账号可以看到有一个 Pull request请求 。 7)如果代码没有问题,可以点击 Merge pull reque合并代码。
解释一: 有一个仓库,叫Repo A。你如果要往里贡献代码,首先要Fork这个Repo,于是在你的Github账号下有了一个Repo A2。 然后你在这个A2下工作,Commit,push等。然后你希望原始仓库Repo A合并你的工作,你可以在Github上发起一个Pull Request,意思是请求Repo A的所有者从你的A2合并分支。 如果被审核通过并正式合并,...
A pull request validation workflow is a normal GitHub Actions workflow, so it can run any of these tasks. However, it's worth thinking about the types of checks that make sense to run within a pull request. Many of the validation activities listed ...
这里介绍一下GitHub pull request,用来向GitHub提交在VS Code中修改后的代码。 操作步骤: 0.当前使用时,VS Code已经与你的GitHub账户绑定,且正在编辑的代码为从GitHub上clone下来的项目/代码。 1.将所修改的代码保存之后,在左边的Activity Bar里的Source Control栏中有数字提示; ...
Create a pull request Fetch, pull, and sync Repo management Browse a repo Manage a repo Work with multiple repos Resolve merge conflicts Reference Resources Test >> Measure performance >> Analyze code quality >> Deploy >> Extend Visual Studio >> Analyze and Model Architecture >> Personalize Vis...
Create a pull request Fetch, pull, and sync Repo management Browse a repo Manage a repo Work with multiple repos Resolve merge conflicts Reference Resources Test >> Measure performance >> Analyze code quality >> Deploy >> Extend Visual Studio >> ...
未关联里程碑 合并选项 合并后关闭提到的 Issue 接受Pull Request 时使用扁平化(Squash)合并 勾选此选项后,将建议使用 Squash Merge 方式合并以精简提交历史记录 参与者 (2) 其他 1 https://gitee.com/openharmony/docs.git git@gitee.com:openharmony/docs.git openharmony docs docs深圳...
代码质量检测失败 静态检查成功 dco检查成功 格式化检查成功 merged 关联Issue 未关联 Pull Request 合并后将关闭上述关联 Issue 里程碑 未关联里程碑 未关联里程碑 参与者 (3) 其他 1 https://gitee.com/openharmony/docs.git git@gitee.com:openharmony/docs.git openharmony docs docs深圳...