One thing to know before using a pull-up resistor is the logic states. Logic circuits have 3 logic states: high, low and floating (or high impedance). The purpose of a pull-up resistor is to ensure input pins are equivalent to the voltage of Ground or VCC (Voltage Common Collector). ...
I searched online for an example and this design did that, but I wanted to be certain this resistor is needed. Oh, and I understand that I could just use the TXB0102 device, but I already have the symbol/layout for the...
This is thesymbol of the resistor net. Pin 1 is connected with the resistor pins, this pin needs to be connected at VCC for Pull-Up or to the Ground for Pull-down purposes. By using this SIP resistor, individual resistors are eliminated thus reducing the component counts and space in the...
To calculate our total resistance, we use an open bracket, then select the first resistance value, followed by the + symbol, select the pull-up resistor value and then closed bracket. This calculates the current through the circuit at a given temperature. We then need to multiply this by ...
Table 14.Internal Weak Pull-Up Resistor Values forCyclone® VDevices SymbolDescriptionCondition (V)16Value17Unit RPUValue of the I/O pin pull-up resistor before and during configuration, as well as user mode if you have enabled the programmable pull-up resistor option.VCCIO= 3.3 ±5%25kΩ...
Why is VccA mentioned here since the external resistor is pulled up to VccB in the Figure2? Or the VccA is just a symbol which indicates the voltage source connecting with pull up resistor RA? Thank you very much. Regards, Andrew
The pull-up resistor value is 10 kilo Ohm and the remaining components are 330 Ohm resistor and LED. The 330 Ohm resistor is connected in series to limit the current to the LED The circuit diagram of the NAND gate using 2-pull-down resistors at the i/ps to the NAND gate is shown be...
Table 11. Internal Weak Pull-Up and Weak Pull-Down Resistor Values for Cyclone 10 DevicesAll I/O pins have an option to enable weak pull-up except the configuration, test, and JTAG pins. The weak pull-down feature is only available for JTAG TCK pin. SymbolParameterConditionMinTypMaxUnit ...
I2C Pull Up Resistors As discussed in the I2C Basics module, the resistors that are commonly seen on I2C circuits sitting between the SCL and SDA lines and the voltage source are called pull up resistors. But what is a pull up resistor?
...就像push-pull中那样,当bottom transistor关闭,则输出为高电平,但此处没法输出高电平。 想要输出高电平,必须外部再接一个上拉电阻(pull-up resistor)。...三、open-drain和push-pull的总结 对于GPIO的模式的设置,在不考虑是否需要额外的上拉电阻的情况下,是设置为open-drain还是push-pull?