文章的内容来源:StrongFirst官网两篇文章(1)The Fighter Pull-up Program Revisited原文链接:https://www.strongfirst.com/the-fighter-pullup-program-revisited/(2)How to Increase your Pull-ups by 50 Percent (at Least)原文链接:https://www.strongfirst.com/how-to-increase-your-pull-ups-50-percent/ 本...
Changing how you grip the bar is also an effective way to vary the stimuli your body receives. For instance, simply changing the direction that your palms face when gripping the bar can reduce the load on certain muscles and increase the load for others. In some cases, changing your grip ...
Increase your training weight as needed to stay with this protocol throughout the ten-week program. Tip: Make sure to vary the distance between your hands slightly with each set, and do not“hang rest” in the middle of a pull-up set! Upon the completion of this ten-week program...
We give sample sets and reps and when to move up, but if you feel like you can progress sooner or want to try doing full pull-ups sooner than we recommend, that’s OKAY. This is the slower progression method, where some people will want to do fewer reps and progress to the next le...
movement, increased time under tension (TUT) equals increased, and much more rapid, strength gains. The pull-up is no different which is why we prescribe negatives both to those wanting to achieve their first rep as well as masters of the move who are trying to increase their pulling ...
Pull-up performance is determined by your relative strength, which is how strong you are compared to your bodyweight. You have two ways of making the pull-ups more challenging — either increase your body weight or add external load.
Here, learn what the most effective steps and routines to achieving your first pull-up is. And also how to increase pull-ups in the fastest way possible.
It’s important tochange your workoutevery few weeks. This way, you’re constantly challenging your body. You can increase the reps, weight, number of sets, and even change the exercises—keep pushing yourself. The other remaining days of the push-pull workout week (Wednesday, Saturday, and...
Starts off easy and builds up! Recommend for anyone trying to increase the pull ups in a motivating fun way ! Wished they could include a separate window for chin ups or a whole new app dedicated to that, would even be a huge plus if they added weight addition to it!!!
Don’t go throwing a 50-pound plate on your first try. Start with something manageable, like 5-10 pounds. Once you can easily do 3-5 reps at that weight, gradually increase it.e top. Increase Endurance You’ve got the strength? Now let’s talk stamina. It’s time to boost your en...