How to Pull Changes From a Specific Branch in Git? For instance, we have a local branch named “main”, which is set to track a remote branch with a similar name in our Git local repository. To pull changes from the specified directory, check out the below section. Step 1: Launch Git...
目录 收起 Push Commit Pull Branch Pull request Push push即推送,是将最近提交历史从你的本地存储库发送到Github。多个人的项目,其他人也会访问存储库,所以你可能需要在push之前进行pull操作 Commit commit即提交,是在存储库中记录更改的过程。将其视为项目当前状态的快照。提交在本地完成。 Pull Pull即翻译...
git branch -u remote-name/branch_name branch_name 或者 git branch --set-upstream-to=remote_name/branch_name branch_name 当然,还可以再创建本地分支的时候,直接使其追踪到远程分支: git checkout -b local_branch remote_name/remote_branch 当前我们的分支是已有分支,那么可以输入: $ git branch -u o...
your configuration file does not tell me, either. Please specify which branch you want to use on the command line and try again (e.g. 'git pull <repository> <refspec>'). See git-pull(1) for details. If you often merge with the same branch, you may want to use something like the ...
当你从远程仓库克隆时,实际上Git自动把本地的master分支和远程的master分支对应起来了,并且,远程仓库的默认名称是origin,所以在master分支时,使用git pull一般都不会报错,这时候需要将dev分支关联到远程分支: gitbranch --set-upstream dev origin/dev 1. ...
比如我们设置master对应远程仓库的master分支 git branch --set-upstream master origin/master 这样在我们每次想push或者pull的时候,只需要 输入git push 或者git pull即可。 在此之前,我们必须要指定想要push或者pull的远程分支。 git push origin master git pull origin master....
从远程分支 checkout 出来的本地分支,称为_跟踪分支(tracking branch)_。跟踪分支是一种和远程分支有直接联系的本地分支。在跟踪分支里输入Git push,Git 会自行推断应该向哪个服务器的哪个分支推送数据。反过来,在这些分支里运行git pull 会获取所有远程索引,并把它们的数据都合并到本地分支中来。在克隆仓库时,Git...
切换目录到项目根目录,找到.git/config 文件,然后vim 打开 [branch “zhuanti”] remote = origin merge = refs/heads/zhuanti 即可解决。 打赏 转载请注明:苏demo的别样人生»git pull 报错 提示you must specify a branch on the command line 如果本篇文章对您有帮助,欢迎向博主进行赞助,赞助时请写上您的...
Pass merge strategy specific option through to the merge strategy. --verify-signatures --no-verify-signatures Verify that the tip commit of the side branch being merged is signed with a valid key, i.e. a key that has a valid uid: in the default trust model, this means the signing key...
git worktree add <path_to_worktree_directory> <branch_name> Replace <path_to_worktree_directory> with the desired path for the new worktree and <branch_name> with the branch you want to work on. Navigating to the Specific Folder Navigate to the newly created worktree directory: cd <path_...