PR(Pull Request) 第一步是fork 一份 K8s master 分支代码到自己的个人仓库(Repo),在 GitHub 界面上右上角点击 "Fork",选择自己的个人 GitHub 账号,稍等几秒就可以看到成功 fork 到了自己仓库。 此时,就可以在本地通过 git clone 刚刚 fork 的 repo,一般默认拉下来是 master 分支,基于 master 分支创建一个...
Pull request successfully merged. Starting build… 翻译: 我很高兴分享微软对GitHub的收购是完整的。 星期一是我担任首席执行官的第一天。每天有数百万人依赖GitHub,我很荣幸有机会领导这家公司。 当我们在6月宣布收购时,我分享了两个值得重复的GitHub 原则...
After you merge a pull request, it's a good idea to confirm that the changes were merged successfully.Go to Code. Go to the deploy/main.bicep file, and then to the deploy/modules/appService.bicep file. Notice that the queue and your other changes are n...
go through many differentlifecycle events. For example, a pull request isopened. Then, the author might push changes to the source branch (synchronize), which affects the pull request's contents. Next, the pull request can bemerged,closedwithout being ...
Successfully rebased and updated refs/heads/main. ℹ Add commit-queue-squash label to land the PR as one commit, or commit-queue-rebase to land as separate commits. rluvaton added commit-queue commit-queue-squash and removed commit-queue...
{ "sha": "6dcb09b5b57875f334f61aebed695e2e4193db5e", "merged": true, "message": "Pull Request successfully merged" } Update a pull request branch Updates the pull request branch with the latest upstream changes by merging HEAD from the base branch into the pull request branch. Note: ...
It seems we made some complementary changes, if you want to pick up the ones from my branch and add them to yours? I will then close mine and we can get yours merged. Agreed! next time, the one who wants to tackle the problem, should just claim so in the issue....
4. Issue pull request from fork to upstream 5. In a local clone of fork reset --hard the head back to match upstream 6. Force push the local clone to the fork At this point the fork and its upstream have identical heads and Stash marks the pull request as merged. This isn't correc...
在个人分支推送到远端 GitHub 仓库后,就可以在页面发起 "New pull request",选择个人的更改分支,目标分支是 Kubernetes/master,经过代码 "Compare changes" 再次确认本地需要 PR 的文件、代码,点击确认。 Tips: Git commit author 一定要与 CLA 协议(下一步) 一致,否则 label 将会显示 cncf-cla: no,不能通过...
{ "sha": "6dcb09b5b57875f334f61aebed695e2e4193db5e", "merged": true, "message": "Pull Request successfully merged" } Update a pull request branch Updates the pull request branch with the latest upstream changes by merging HEAD from the base branch into the pull request branch. "Update...