On GitHub.com, navigate to the main page of the repository. In the Branch menu, select the branch that contains your commits. Above the list of files, in the yellow banner, select the Compare & pull request button to create a pull request for the associated branch. In the base branch ...
To create a pull request, you must have changes committed to your new branch. Go to the repository page on github. And click on "Pull Request" button in the repo header. Pick the branch you wish to have merged using the "Head branch" dropdown. You should leave the rest of the fields...
After your GitHub pull request has been created in GitKraken, you will be able to view the PR from thePULL REQUESTSpane. Clicking on an individual PR will open GitKraken’s interactive pull request management view for GitHub. From here, you can review your GitHub pull request, make additional...
After the pull request is approved, it can becompleted. That means the contents of the pull request are merged into the main branch. In some teams, the pull request author should also complete it. This process helps ensure that the author controls when ...
Add this to the file.github/workflows/stats.ymlin your repo: name:Pull Request Statson:pull_request:types:[opened]jobs:stats:runs-on:ubuntu-lateststeps: -name:Run pull request statsuses:flowwer-dev/pull-request-stats@master This config will: ...
The GitHub REST API offers the application/vnd.github.v3.diff media type. To see a pull request diff, add this media type to the Accept header of a call to the single pull request endpoint. The position value equals the number of lines down from the first "@@" hunk header in the ...
If a pull request contains changes to dependencies, you can view a summary of what has changed and whether there are known vulnerabilities in any of the dependencies.
the notification banner to “Create a Pull Request.” Alternatively, you can create pull request from a remote branch by navigating to the New Pull Request window via the top-level menu Git > GitHub or Azure DevOps > New Pull Request. Or right click a branch in the Git Repository Window...
On GitHub, navigate to the main page of the fork (or copy of your repository) where the pull request branch was created. Above the list of files, clickCode. Copy the URL for the repository. To clone the repository using HTTPS, under "HTTPS", click. ...
All of the projects in openGauss Community are maintained by@opengauss_bot. That means the developers can comment below every pull request or issue to trigger Bot Commands. Please follow instructions atHereto find the details. 表态 opengauss_bot添加了 ...