在项目中新建文件.github/workflows/check-pull-request.yml,内容如下: name:test check pull requestrun-name:'check pull request #${{ github.event.pull_request.number }}'on:pull_request:types:[opened, synchronize, reopened]jobs:replyChecking:runs-on:ubuntu-lateststeps: -run:echo 'replyChecking'ini...
github actions中最少获取pull request的名称、地址、提交者。 很遗憾github actions提供的默认环境变量中并没有给出友好的pull reqeuest信息,唯一能够找到一些pull reqeuest信息的环境变量为$GITHUB_REF,形式为refs/pull/:prNumber/merge。 即使我们可以通过$(echo $GITHUB_REF | awk 'BEGIN { FS = "/" } ;...
Github action to enforce Pull Request title conventions pull-request pullrequest pull-requests hacktoberfest pullrequests github-actions Updated May 6, 2024 JavaScript deepakputhraya / action-branch-name Star 77 Code Issues Pull requests Github action to enforce naming convention on branch name...
据悉,自 2020 年 11 月开始,攻击者就发现了GitHub Actions 的一个 Bug:提交含有恶意代码的Pull Request时,无需项目原作者同意即可运行恶意代码。 荷兰安全工程师 Justin Perdok 对此解释道,攻击者会事先给一个合法的存储库创建分支,在分支中注入恶意代码,然后提交 Pull Request 以将该分支合并进原始存储库。 按理...
填写提交说明后,点击「Create pull request」按钮。 使用A 帐号登录 GitHub,进入 pull_request_demo 项目。 可以看到 Pull request 中有新的数据。 点击Confirm merge,完成合并。 补充:参与公共的 PR 仓库来完成第一次PR尝试 当然,如果你不想注册两个账户亦或由于某些原因对此感到比较麻烦的话,你也可以按照上面的...
In this unit, you learn how automated checks run within the pull request lifecycle, and the types of automated review checks that you might perform on Bicep code.
Allowing edits on a fork's branch that contains GitHub Actions workflows also allows a maintainer to edit the forked repository's workflows, which can potentially reveal values of secrets and grant access to other branches. To create a pull request that is ready for review, click Create Pull ...
Make the pull request process work better for everyone The simpler and more focused you can make your PR, the faster it can be reviewed and merged. Avoid pull requests that update large numbers of files or contain unrelated changes Avoid creating PRs that contain unrelated changes. Separate mino...
可以说目前 cpp-linter-action 是 GitHub 上 C/C++ 项目的最佳 Linter 选择。 关于Pull Request Review 功能 此次新增的 Pull Request Review 功能可以直接在 cpp-linter-action 检查完成后给出 review 建议,开发者无需本地修改检查到的错误,并提交到远程。而是可以直接点击 GitHub 上的Commit suggestions按钮,就可...
On user-owned forks, if you want to allow anyone with push access to the upstream repository to make changes to your pull request, selectAllow edits from maintainers. Warning If your fork contains GitHub Actions workflows, the option isAllow edits and...