Pull Request 是团队协作中确保代码质量的重要步骤。通过遵循标准化流程、合理利用自动化工具,以及推行高效的审查策略,可以有效提升协作效率。将 Pull Request 管理得当,不仅仅是提高开发者体验,还是项目健康发展的关键。 随着项目的不断发展和团队的扩大,Pull Request 的流程会变得越来越重要。未来,可以考虑结合 AI 自动...
New pull request Welcome to pull requests! Pull requests help you collaborate on code with other people. As pull requests are created, they’ll appear here in a searchable and filterable list. To get started, you should create a pull request....
Client Tools for NuGet - including Visual Studio extensions, command line tools, and msbuild support. (Open issues on https://github.com/nuget/home/issues) - Pull Request Etiquette and Best Practices (#5953) · NuGet/NuGet.Client@0bf00d2
For more information see Updating your pull request branch.Publishing to LivePeriodically, the changes accumulated in the main branch need to be published to the live website.The main branch is merged to live each weekday at 3pm PST. The main branch should be merged to live after any ...
6 good practices, 7 methods, and 4 Git strategies for splitting big Pull Requests into smaller PRs. Learn how to split large Pull Request into several smaller ones.
说起PullRequest 相信大部分人都不会陌生,它是由 Github 推出的一种开源协作模式,由于 Gitlab 占据着企业内部私有部署的半壁江山,这种模式也更多的用在企业内部代码审核流程,也就是所谓的 CodeReview。其实还有很多企业和团队会选择 Gerrit 这个工具,Gerrit 提供的是 ChangeRequest 模式,这种模式更具有针对性,对代码审...
说起PullRequest 相信大部分人都不会陌生,它是由 Github 推出的一种开源协作模式,由于 Gitlab 占据着企业内部私有部署的半壁江山,这种模式也更多的用在企业内部代码审核流程,也就是所谓的 CodeReview。其实还有很多企业和团队会选择 Gerrit 这个工具,Gerrit 提供的是 ChangeRequest 模式,这种模式更具有针对性,对代码审...
PullRequest is a platform for code review, built for teams of all sizes. Thousands of on-demand vetted, expert engineers and backed by AI.
Clients interacting with the web service make a request for information that is returned in a single response. No sequential requests are required, so it is not necessary for the load balancing platform to ensure sessions are maintained on a single server at any point in time. Planning task Wh...
Reducing work using pull request refs The above works but several things can make your life worse: What if you have many collaborators, each with their own forks? Adding all their forks and handling them separately becomes impractical. What if you don't even have access to some of the for...