Alternative Exercises for Bent-arm dumbbell pull-over Bent-arm barbell pull-over Muscle Targeted:Lats Equipment Type:Barbell 8 Average Wide-Grip Decline Barbell Pullover Muscle Targeted:Chest Equipment Type:Barbell 7.3 Average
Why This Exercise is Important: The exercise ball abdominal pull ins are one of the few exercises that provide a great workout to a specific muscle group without the use of any complex machines. This means that this exercise can be performed at the gym or in the privacy of your home wher...
Straight-arm dumbbell pull-over Muscle Targeted: Chest Equipment Type: Dumbbell 8.4 Average Bent-arm dumbbell pull-over Muscle Targeted: Chest Equipment Type: Dumbbell 8.2 Average Bent-arm barbell pull-over Muscle Targeted: Lats Equipment Type: Barbell 8 Average Need...
Video about Beautiful athletic young girl performs a pull on the chest simulator in the gym. Video of muscle, health, lift - 140170987
The serratus anterior muscle extends from your upper nine ribs at the sides of your chest to the medial border of each shoulder blade. Activities that draw the shoulder blades forward, such as pushups and bench press exercises, significantly activate the serratus anterior. The serratus is a pul...
(no muscle experiences constant tension during dynamic exercise), we can intensify the pullover by ending the repetition and beginning the next rep while the shoulder extensors are still working. Rather than pull the dumbbell over your chest, simply reverse the movement when the dumbbell passes ...
Pulldown exercises are typically performed on a cable machine, with both arms pulling a bar downward. By attaching a handle to a high pulley, however, you can do pulldowns with one arm at a time. You engage more muscle fibers with single-arm than double-
When your arms are pulled back to start an overhand-grip pull-up, your shoulders are already in a slightly unnatural position, Viada says. And even the smallest muscle imbalances and stresses from daily activities can cause space in your shoulder to become tighter. ...
Learn all about proper pull-up form, programming notes, and offer effective variations and alternatives to increase strength and muscle.
Learn all about proper pull-up form, programming notes, and offer effective variations and alternatives to increase strength and muscle.