Update examples to align to LVGL changes Disable LVGL log (by default) Mergemasterchanges into PR branch Sorry, something went wrong. kisvegaborand othersadded30commitsJuly 3, 2023 23:58 fix tests 70758a8 update LV_GC... defintions
The first thing you should have been told about Git (but probably weren't) is that Git is not aboutfiles, and not aboutbranches:Git is all aboutcommits. Files come into the picture because commits would be useless without them, so each commitholdsfiles. Branches—or more precisely, branchn...
[--verbose] OPTIONS: -s, --since-tag <since-tag> The tag to use as a base. Defaults to the latest tag. -b, --base-branch The base branch to compare with. Defaults to master. --sections Whether the changelog should be split into sections. Defaults to false. --verbose Show extra...
I'm using git for vcs, when I have a branch checked out and I open the branches window and select the origin/master remote branch I get the options to "Merge selected into Current" and 'Pull into Current using Merge' in the menu ( see below). The Pull menu item only shows when ...
As you can see, the latest version of the specified remote branch is downloaded and merged successfully into the local repository: That’s all! We have provided about the “git pull origin <branch-name>” in detail. Conclusion When the “git pull origin <branch-name>” command is executed...
Many of you Git users know this already: To add a new feature or fix a defect, you pull from the latestdevelopormasterremote to the corresponding local, and you branch off that latest local, giving the branch an appropriate name. Then you start working on the defect or featureindependentof...
All required reviewers must approve the changes in your PR before the changes can merge into the target branch. For PRs that change critical branches like the main branch, your team might have created branch policies that specify the reviewers or require a minimum number of reviewers. If branch...
$ git pull origin master git pull, in contrast, is used with a different goal in mind: to update your current HEAD branch with the latest changes from the remote server. This means that pull not only downloads new data; it also directly integrates it into your current working copy files...
They can then add their own commit after yours and then merge the branch in. If your pull request is not based on the latest version of their main branch, then they can issue a git rebase master. If there are conflicts they can either choose to fix the conflicts themse...
To restore to something that more closely resembles the state before #1208. Merging new changes from upstream release branches into our fork doesn't really benefit from going through a PR or review, especially for work-in-progress upgrade branches. I wou