1-click from git repo to local editor githubchrome-extensioneditorclonefirefox-addonpull-requestpullgithub1s UpdatedDec 22, 2023 TypeScript Ensure a git repo exists on disk and that it's up-to-date nodejsjavascriptgitclonerepositorypull
建议好好看下书,理清一下逻辑。要想pull request,你直接往原来仓库push肯定是没有权限的,这也不是一个完整PR应有的流程和逻辑。 应该是:Fork一份到为自己的repo-->git clone到本地-->本地创建新branch,修改代码-->git push origin [新建的分支名]-->github上切换至[新建的分支名]这个分支-->pull request...
既然每个开发人员都有自己的public repo,那么pull request的source repo将和destination repo是不同的。source repo往往就是开发人员的public repo,而source branch就是source repo中包含了变更的那个branch(实际上是开发人员自己push过去的)。如果开发人员希望将feature代码merge到 official codebase中去,那么destination rep...
1. Repo 引导命令安装 #python3 版本向下兼容,注意这里应该下载是 repo-py3,而不是 repo#PS: 这里下载的 repo 只是一个引导脚本,需要后续 repo init 后才有完整功能curl https://gitee.com/oschina/repo/raw/fork_flow/repo-py3 > /usr/local/bin/repo#赋予脚本可执行权限chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/re...
场景1: 需要拉取陌生远端分支到本地。我们本地有一个自己的repo, 此时同事遇到一个比较难的Bug想请你帮忙一起看看,但是这个Bug在你自己的repo的branch上没有,于是同事将其branch推送到了他自己的Github远端仓库里,然后把远端仓库的git address和branch name发给你了。此时我们该怎么办呢?
GitHub.com users may utilize the pull request view for GitHub pull requests.To enable this feature, first set up the GitHub integration. Then with a GitHub repo open inside of GitKraken Desktop, select a pull request in the left panel (or checkout the source branch and a PR icon with ...
GitHubArtifactDownloadInput GitHubConnectionModel GitHubConnectionRepoModel GitHubConnectionReposBatchRequest GitImportFailedEvent GitImportGitSource GitImportRequest GitImportRequestParameters GitImportStatusDetail GitImportSucceededEvent GitImportTfvcSource GitItem GitItemDescriptor GitItemRequestData GitLastChangeItem ...
Have you ever been working on a project ingitand ran into an error telling you that you can't usegit pullbecause you have local changes? error: Untracked working tree file 'App.vue' would be overwritten by merge This is usually because some changes have been committed to the repo you ar...
On GitHub, navigate to the main page of the repository. Under your repository name, clickIssues. In the list of issues, click the issue that you'd like to link a pull request or branch to. Click the repository containing the pull request or branch you want to link to the issue. ...
Use Push to push the commits to GitHub, where you can store them as backups or share your code with others.But, as previously mentioned, always pull before you push. As a safe guard, Visual Studio doesn't allow you to push commits if your local branch is behind the remote branch. If...