pull factor pull stroke action pull the plug pull through Pulling pullorum disease pull-through program pullulate pullulation pulm- Pulmicort pulmo pulmo- pulmo dexter pulmo sinister pulmoaortic pulmon- Pulmonaria officinalis Pulmonary pulmonary (nerve) plexus ...
Together we discussed these extracts in order to come to consensus as to what each push or pull factor means, who these factors are intending to ‘speak’ to, relationships between these factors, and the full scope of each. We also considered the meaning of these factors in light of ...
efficiency. Therefore, this study defines the switching costs like the loss in students' learning efficiency while switching to the online learning platform under the pressure of COVID-19. To summarizing the above discussion, the switching cost is regarded as the factor affecting the mooring factor...
at the energies considered here, the exact strangeness conservation fully accounts for strange particle suppression, and no extra chemical factor is needed. [ on the exact conservation laws in thermal models ]"} {"query": "How good is the mean-field approximation at guessing the ground state ...