push factor 推力因素, 推动因素 pull factor 拉力因素
Push factors that turn customers away: poor product quality and customer service, lack of warranty and return policy, inconvient location.it is worth noting that sometimes the same factor can both be a pull and a push factor, from different people's persective.For example, high un...
pull factor 意思:拉力因素。 push factor 意思:推动因素;推力。 双语例句: 1、Developed countries need health workers in greater numbers: this is the "pullf... 选鞋-<淘宝网>goldengoose,购时尚,全网低价! 购鞋-<淘宝网>goldengoose,重磅低价,优惠多多,超轻舒适,引领时尚潮流!goldengoose,汇聚各大品牌,...
There are many factors that push people out of the country. While affirmative action is one factor thatcontributes to emigration of skilled individuals, other factors include: crime, better wage offers, better quality of life andfuture for their children, economic stability and improved health care...
more often declared an importance of offering treatments which are not likely to produce any complications. The feeling of safety was to a great extent associated with the factor of quietness the visitors expected to enjoy while staying at a health resort, and an availability of sports equipment....
Push and Pull Factors of Immigration not comprise of‚ and one country’s push factor can be another country’s pull factor. Emigration is a personal choice‚ but defiantly there are reasons for everything‚ they could be as simple as wanting to experience something new‚ or they coul...
换工作都有push和pull factor, 加在一起大于inertia,就成了 û收藏 转发 评论 ñ赞 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候...查看更多 a 235关注 57粉丝 2930微博 微关系 她的关注(228) 放我回家谢谢 JY6容祖兒國際歌迷會 饮歌记 碎碎念十...
1) pull factor 拉因素 2) pull factor 拉式因素 1. With the factor analysis,the paper gets three push factors and twopull factors for the ecotourists in the park. 并采用聚类分析方法,依据拉式因素,对太白山旅游客源市场进行了市场细分,并对三类旅游者进行了命名。
There are many factors that push people out of the country. While affirmative action is one factor thatcontributes to emigration of skilled individuals, other factors include: crime, better wage offers, better quality of life andfuture for their children, economic stability and improved health care...
This paper aims to explore the volitional act of founding new ventures by examining: 1) the push and pull factor that directly impact two primary antecedents of entrepreneurial intention; 2) to confirm students' employment intention by employing Ajzen's (1991) theory of planned behaviour. The pap...