Duration01:39 (mm:ss) Sharehttps://tripplite.eaton.com/video/cable-easy-pull-demo/45735 TranscriptThis video gives an overview of Tripp Lite's Easy-Pull Cables, which feature pull caps that attach to fish tape, allowing you to quickly and easily run the cable through conduit....
Power cable pullers take most of the hard physical work out of pulling power cable through conduit. These tools make the job faster and, when used correctly, safer than working with old-fashioned manual pullers or makeshift pulling methods. Power cable-pulling equipment is available in a ...
PURPOSE: To enable safe cabling work or conduit work with a remote operation even when a cable or a conduit is laid at a higher position such as double ceilings by eliminating the troublesome works to remove or mount the cover body. ;CONSTITUTION: At the one side surface of a duct body ...
2. pull out cables required to connect to the dome camera from the wall or route cables through a section of 0.75 in.﹙19mm﹚ conduit pipe. 选择语言:从中文简体中文翻译英语日语韩语俄语德语法语阿拉伯文西班牙语葡萄牙语意大利语荷兰语瑞典语希腊语捷克语丹麦语匈牙利语希伯来语波斯语挪威语乌尔都语...
Either one of the 2 lengths of polyester tape is connected to the gastric conduit. By pulling up this length of polyester tape from the neck, the gastric conduit can pass through the echo probe cover and be elevated to the neck. 展开 关键词: esophagectomy gastric conduit pull-through echo ...
Electrical supply wire puller Cable pullers 5-30m plastic nylon cable puller Advantages 1. The work ability of our product is excellent. 2. The product is also available to the work inserting a wire into a crooked place due to high bending elasticity. 3. ...
Smooth and flexible surface of the duct rodder can easily make the rope or cable pass through the narrow channel. Glass fiber reinforced plastic wire threading appliance has the advantages of saving time, saving effort and improving efficiency. It is selected as the ...
Through the push pull cable, 优质文献 相似文献A Miniature Cable-Driven Robot for Crawling on the Heart Previous versions of the robot have been remotely actuated through push-pull wires, while visual feedback was provided by fiber optic transmission. Although... ...
This Standard-Speed HDMI Easy Pull All-in-One Monitor Cable makes running long video cables a snap. The pull-apart design allows the cable to be run through conduit or other tight areas that a HDMI connector wouldn't fit through. Diameter of the circular DIN end is only 7/8-inch. Circu...
A fiber optic cable pulling method uses a series of large-diameter capstan winches placed at intermediate access points along the conduit through which multiple runs of fiber optic cable is to be pulled. Each capstan winch simultaneously pulls a portion of each of the cables through a segment of...