Tractor-scraper units with push-pull coupling including two-way shock absorbersToshiaki WagatsumaToshitaka SuketomoKouki YoshidaMichio Suga
United States Patent US4018452 Note: If you have problems viewing the PDF, please make sure you have the latest version ofAdobe Acrobat. Back to full text
PUSH-PULL COUPLING FOR TRACTOR-SCRAPER UNITSdoi:doi:US3434738 ACampbell Trevor GCoogan Lawrence PHosoda YoshimiUSUS3434738 * 1967年6月1日 1969年3月25日 Caterpillar Tractor Co Push-pull coupling for tractor-scraper units
Push-pull coupling for tractor-scraper unitsdoi:US3434738 ACampbell Trevor GCoogan Lawrence PHosoda YoshimiUSUS3434738 * 1967年6月1日 1969年3月25日 Caterpillar Tractor Co Push-pull coupling for tractor-scraper units