Flux-Pulid程序员写真workflow.json 2.在页面右下角,单击Load,将下载并解压后的json文件导入到 ComfyUI 中。 导入成功后,返回如下页面。 3.点击“choose file to upload” 上传本地的人像图片 说明:您需要先将下方的示例图片先保存到本地机器中。 示例图片: 4.在页面右下方,直接单击 Queue Prompt,通过默认的...
ComfyUI+Flux+Pulid 实现换脸写真 1.访问下方链接,下载预置的JSON文件到本地机器中,并解压。 Flux-Pulid程序员写真workflow.json 2.在页面右下角,单击Load,将下载并解压后的json文件导入到 ComfyUI 中。 导入成功后,返回如下页面。 3.点击“choose file to upload” 上传本地的人像图片 说明:您需要先将下方的...
ComfyUI+Flux+Pulid 实现换脸写真 1.访问下方链接,下载预置的JSON文件到本地机器中,并解压。 Flux-Pulid程序员写真workflow.json 2.在页面右下角,单击Load,将下载并解压后的json文件导入到 ComfyUI 中。 导入成功后,返回如下页面。 3.点击“choose file to upload” 上传本地的人像图片 说明:您需要先将下方的...
ComfyUI+Flux+Pulid 实现换脸写真 1.访问下方链接,下载预置的JSON文件到本地机器中,并解压。 Flux-Pulid程序员写真workflow.json 2.在页面右下角,单击Load,将下载并解压后的json文件导入到 ComfyUI 中。 导入成功后,返回如下页面。 3.点击“choose file to upload” 上传本地的人像图片 说明:您需要先将下方的...
adapted from https://github.com/balazik/ComfyUI-PuLID-Fluxworkflow: see example flux_pulid_multi.jsonupdate oct.28 2024Add an optional prior image input for the node. When using the train_weight method, the prior image will act as the main id image, which will lead the other id images...
ComfyUI-PuLID-Flux-Enhanced adapted from https://github.com/balazik/ComfyUI-PuLID-Flux workflow: see example flux_pulid_multi.json update oct.28 2024 Add an optional prior image input for the node. When using the train_weight method, the prior image will act as the main id image, whic...
{"Node name for S&R":"SamplerCustomAdvanced"},"widgets_values":[]},{"id":26,"type":"FluxGuidance","pos":{"0":1759,"1":-79},"size":{"0":317.4000244140625,"1":58},"flags":{"collapsed":false},"order":15,"mode":0,"inputs":[{"name":"conditioning","type":"CONDITIONING",...
flux-pulid need more VRAM,but, nf4 maybe can try 10G or 8G... NF4 also out of memory。 workflow : error: Owner smthemex commented Sep 21, 2024 if using nf4,need fill nf4 in easy function,However, the PULID of NF4 can currently only generate noise, so it is not recommended to ...
Please make sure that workflow does not contain any sensitive information such as API keys or passwords. Workflow too large. Please manually upload the workflow from local file system. Additional Context (Please add any additional context or steps to reproduce the error here)...
workflow: see example flux_pulid_multi.json update oct.28 2024 Add an optional prior image input for the node. When using the train_weight method, the prior image will act as the main id image, which will lead the other id images to sum up to an optimized id embedding. ...