PUK码(PIN Unblocking Key)是指PIN码解锁密码,即个人解锁码,由一组8位数的数字组成,在SIM卡出厂时已设置完毕,一张SIM卡对应一个唯一的PUK码,不可以修改。PIN码是个人识别码,由一组4位数字组成,一般初始密码为1234或0000,您可根据自己的习惯作修改(具体修改方法可参考手机使用说明书),如您...
PUK码指PIN解锁码。当PIN 码输入错误达到3次时,将自动锁卡保护,需要输入PUK码才能解锁。输入PUK码之后就可以解锁和重置PIN码了。注:PUK码只有10次输入机会,若10次都输错,则该SIM卡永久锁死,无法再使用。需谨慎输入。
PUK码(PIN Unlock Key)是手机SIM卡上的一个安全锁,用于解锁电话卡。当用户输入错误的PIN码(个人识别码)多次后,手机会被暂时锁定,此时需要通过输入正确的PUK码来解锁卡片。PUK码通常由运营商提供,并且只有收到PUK码才能解锁SIM卡。 1.PUK码是什么 PUK码是一种用于解锁手机SIM卡的代码。每张SIM卡都有一个唯一的P...
PUK码(PIN Unlock Key)是用于解锁SIM卡的安全码,通常由8位数字组成。当用户输入错误PIN码达到一定次数后,SIM卡会被锁定,需要输入PUK码进行解锁。以下是关于PUK码的详细信息: 1. PUK码分类: - PUK1码:用于解锁PIN1码,原始密码一般为1234或0000。输入错误三次PIN码后需要输入PUK1码解锁。 - PUK2码:用于解锁从...
In the following sections we will explore methods of how to unlock sim card without puk code free that are safe, secure, and used by many who find themselves in this predicament. Let's delve into each of these methods in detail. Method 1: Through Customer Service Method 2: Use the Carri...
PUK是英文PIN Unlock Key的缩写,即“PIN解锁码”,是一种个人安全码。当您连续多次输错手机SIM卡的PIN码时(一般为3-10次),会锁住手机卡,无法再拨打电话或收发短信。此时可以使用PUK码来解锁手机卡。PUK码只能使用10次,超过10次会导致SIM卡永久失效。如果您不知道自己手机卡的PUK码,可以通过以下...
#2. How to Unlock SIM Card without PUK Code via Customer Service How do I get my PUK code if I forgot? Contact your friendly customer service representative to get your SIM PUK unlock code free! They have all the information you need, including the elusive PUK number. And they can also...
Method 3. All-in-One Way to Unlock SIM Card Without a PUK Code If neither of the above ways helps to unlock the SIM card, then you can tryEaseUS MobiUnlock, an iPhone unlocker that helps to unlock the SIM card, Activation Lock, Apple ID, Screen Time passcode, and more. Whether you...
Part 1: Official Ways To Unlock SIM Cards With a Lost PUK Code Locking your SIM card with a forgotten PIN can be a frustrating experience, especially when your trusty PUK code seems to have vanished. While unauthorized methods exist to unlock your SIM card, venturing down that path can lead...