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读音:美英 puget sound基本解释 普吉湾;普吉特海湾;普吉特湾;皮吉特湾;普捷湾 分词解释 Puget普吉 sound声音,声响 puget sound是什么意思 puget sound怎么读 puget sound在线翻译 puget sound中文意思 puget sound的解释 puget sound的发音 puget sound意思是什么 puget sound怎么翻译 puget sound的中文翻译 puget sound...
皮吉特湾(Puget Sound)是美国华盛顿州西北部海湾,是喀斯开和海岸山脉之间的考利茨-普吉地槽北端海水淹没而成,是通往阿拉斯加的内海航道的起点。皮吉特湾(Puget Sound)是美国华盛顿州西北部海湾 皮吉特湾(PugetSound)位于美国华盛顿州,华盛顿州内大多数城市包括西雅图都沿皮吉特海湾而建。皮吉特湾从阿德默勒尔蒂湾(...
Aim、Niko - Puget Sound 专辑:Flight 602 歌手:AimNiko Puget Sound - Aim/Niko Everybody came and went Summers number one event Left early on and spent The next day sinking We should just live here The water looks so clear An unholy union ...
Puget Sound - Harry Nilsson (哈利·尼尔森) In a cardboard town in Puget Sound A crackerjack was jackin' up the bottom of a frown While a little wooden man and his tiny papermate Danced a crazy jigsaw puzzle And they laughed at all the hate The hated hate was locked up in ...
Puget Sound 美 英 网络普吉特湾;普吉湾;普吉特海湾 英英 网络释义 un. 1. deepinletofthePacificOcean,innorthwesternWashington. 例句
Puget Sound Thesaurus Acronyms Encyclopedia Wikipedia Pu·get Sound (pyo͞o′jĭt) The southeast part of the Salish Sea in western Washington, extending south from the Strait of Juan de Fuca through Admiralty Inlet. The cities of Seattle, Tacoma, and Olympia are along its shores. ...
菩及海湾大学是一所全国知名的本科文理学院,占地97英亩,坐落在距离西雅图市35公里的塔科玛,校园内有多座建于上世纪五十年代和六十年代的都铎哥特式红砖建筑。 菩及海湾大学提供1,200课程每年在40多个主要领域。在上世纪70年代的大学是众所周知的自由社会生活,而且在整个80年代和90年代,越来越多的重点转移到学者。现...