I was lately in an airshow in Turku, Finland, where there were two DC-3 aircraft - one (Finniish) in the livery of Finnair and another (Swedish) in the livery of SAS. Both are originally C-47s, and both have originally participated in the Normandy invasions. The Finnish DC-3 has s...
PUFF THE MAGIC DRAGONUsing side-firing weapons on aircraft can be traced back to 1927, when a concept was demonstrated by fixing a .30 caliber machine gun to the side of a biplane and flying a simple manoeuvre known as a pylon turn. Named after the air racing term, it involved ...
I did no weathering on this bird, but some of the brush-painting seems to lend a weary look to the aircraft. I acquired this kit via eBay. It was still in the shrink wap from 1966 to just a few days ago. The decals were in decent shape, given their age and how I had stored th...