April 2026 MoTuWeThFrSaSu 14303112345 156789101112 1613141516171819 1720212223242526 1827282930123 Holidays and Observances Puerto Rico 2025/2026 We 01/01/2025 New Year Mo 01/06/2025 Epiphany Mo 01/20/2025 Martin Luther King Day Fr 02/14/2025 ...
Tuesday, April 16, 2024José de Diego’s Birthday is a observance in Puerto Rico Mothers' Day Sunday, May 12, 2024Mother’s Day celebrates the achievements and efforts of mothers and mother figures. Memorial Day Monday, May 27, 2024Memorial Day is a bank/public sector holiday in Puerto Ric...
Puerto Rico ToursNorth/Central America & The Caribbean March-April 2025 JAMAICA, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC & PUERTO RICO – A feast of Caribbean endemic families and species North/Central America & The Caribbean March-April 2026 JAMAICA, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC & PUERTO RICO – A feast of Caribbean endemic ...
This report is an account of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (Kew) expedition to the Puerto Rican Bank (Puerto Rico (PR) and the British Virgin Islands (BVI), collectively PRVI) undertaken from 07 to 28 April 2016. The PRVI visit was undertaken to 1) collect baseline, phenotypic and monit...
thePiña Coladawas declared the official drink of Puerto Rico. Two places still argue about where it was invented… but residents and visitors surely agree there’s no better place in the world to enjoy them.Learn more about the birth of Piña Colada, where to have an authentic one and...
IRMA IV — Puerto Rico, 18–24 April 1982doi:10.3109/03790798109167120InformaworldInternational Rehabilitation Medicine
Please visitPuertoRicoFerry.comwhere you can purchase tickets online in advance. Purchasing tickets at the Ceiba ferry terminal Ticket Window Hours:6:30am – 3:30pm Rates for ferry tickets: Vieques: $2.00 Culebra: $2.25 Children 3 – 11 years old: $1.00 ...
In: Climate Change Puerto RicoDavid Schechter David Schechter is a national environmental correspondent and the host of "On the Dot with David Schechter," a guided journey to explore how we're changing the earth and earth is changing us. Twitter ...
The United Automobile Importers Group (GUIA, in Spanish) confirmed that demand in Puerto Rico for the January-April period totaled 43,543 units, which also remained flat at 0.94% when compared to the same period in 2021. “Demand for cars continues to show a solid pattern in sales, despite...
Being an island, Puerto Rico has more than 300 miles of beaches, including the out-islands and cays. That’s one beach to explore and enjoy for each day of the year. There is a perfect beach for everyone - it all depends your idea of the perfect beach. L