Karnataka 2nd Pre-University Result StatisticsThe previous year’s result statistics of PUC are tabulated below:YearStudents AppearedPass % 2013 6,11,569 59.36 2014 6,20,870 60.47 2015 6,10,939 60.54 2016 5,12,555 57.20 2017 6,79,061 52.38 2018 6,90,150 59.56 2019 6,71,653 61.73 ...
Result Date: September 12, 2022 Result Time: 11 am Students who have appeared in supplementary exams can check the Karnataka 2nd PUC supply result 2022 online. They can use their registration number to check the Karnataka supplementary result 2022.The board had conducted the Karnataka supplemen...
Today Karnataka Pre University Course (PUC) 2nd year - 2015 results were announced today at 12 pm. The scores of the students who appeared the examination were published on their official websites. The PUC 2nd year exams were conducted in the month of March. Today will be turning point to...
This year, the result of the March exams was declared on April 30, 2018, at 11:00 AM. Considering the statistics for the current year, about a total of 6.79 lakh candidates enrolled for the 2nd PUC (12th) exams. Out of the total appeared students 5.44 lakh students pass the exams. Th...
Once declared, the result will be available at dpe.karnataka.gov.in.All those who registered for the exams, however, did not appear for the same. This year has seen one of the highest drop-outs with as many as 7,856 students missing Karnataka PUC 2nd exams on the first d...
The exams will be conducted from August 19 to September 3, 2021 The Karnataka 2nd PUC special exam result 2021 will be announced 15 days after the physical exam to be held from August 19 to September 3. Write to us at news@careers360.com. ...
Karnataka or our web page regularly. Students also know details about the Result after completion of the Final Examinations. For that reason, we update this article with the latest information about the Result when the officers upload on their web page of the Department of Pre University Education...
2nd: Our RINO Governor BiBri’s little shill, aka Puppet Paulie, must have pissed him off, when Puppet Baby wouldn’t let Wellinghoff’s new employer, Solar City have a say in the SP rate case! “PUC Chairman Paul Thomsen’s order found that SolarCity did not have a direct and substa...
Download and analyze the Karnataka Board 2nd PUC Physics Blueprint to get an overview of the weightage of the distribution of marks over different dimensions of the question paper, thus helping them to prepare better for the exams.