“A Foot Race of two Miles being Advertised to be Run last Thursday on the Marshes near Hackney River by young Women for a Holland Shift, as three were dressing in order to start, one of them was discovered to be a Running Footman to a Person of Quality, who seeing he was betrayed f...
The depth of active mixing can be much shallower than the mixed layer, implying that phytoplankton can bloom near the surface even when the mixed layer is still deep. An intriguing alternative to these “bottom up” perspectives places greater emphasis on the “top down” regulatory role of ...
(2023) investigate osteological features of the inner and middle ear of phyllostomid bats based on micro computed tomographic scan data. Their findings show ear ossicles have a strong negative allometric relationship to body size; this may be reflective of a general trend for sensory structures, ...
An early Dover tram in Bench Street, around 1900, as it nears New Bridge, in the foreground. Note the old Shakespeare Hotel on the left above Page the grocer. The hotel later extended over the Crypt Restaurant further down. I wonder why two policemen are standing in the middle of the ro...
, 2000]). These latter, created by the interaction of high-energy CRs with the upper and middle atmosphere, can be trapped for a long time (i.e., several seconds) by the magnetic field near the Earth [Vallarta, 1961; Roederer, 1970]. Their flux depends on the flux and energy ...
This distribution is related (to some extent) to the timing of the deployments near Iceland and also to the seasonal presence of ice off the east Greenland coast earlier in the year. To the east of Greenland all instances of velocity >1 m s−1 correspond to the current branch close ...