Electronic controller Lockable self closing doors (sliding or hinged) 180 x 330ml bottle capacity 4 adjustable shelves Temperature range +2 to +12C Dimensions: 900w x 500d x 900h Rating 13A 1 year Parts & Labour Warranty Rental from £10+VAT per week Call0345 061 5050to order yours today!
165. The Puss In Boots 81 Hamilton Drive (adj Harlow Rd), York Pub· No tips or reviews 166. The Quaker Wood 6.6 Acomb Wood Dr, Acomb, North Yorkshire Bar· 2 tips and reviews 167. Rumours 94 Micklegate, 約克, North Yorkshire Bar· 1 tip 168. The Saddle Inn 37 Main St. (Fulfo...
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