From the Dover Express and East Kent News. 22 October, 1965. A record £43 5s. 5d. was raised for the Kent Blind at the annual Harvest Festival at the Dew Drop Inn in Tower Hamlets on Sunday. Customers and local tradesmen gave the produce which was auctioned. Raffles were also held....
From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer, 13 January, 1882. Price 1d. DRUNK Mary Jane Bailey was charged with being drunk and disorderly in Dolphin Lane on Saturday. Police-constable Brace said: Shortly after six o'clock on Saturday morning last, my attention was called to the pris...
200-foot artesian well, winter pearl malting barley from Denne Hill Farm at Womenswold between Canterbury and Dover, and East Kent Goldings hops, grown less than 30 miles from the brewery. The wort is infused only in it’s own traditional mash tuns of Russian teak that were built in ...
Lockable self closing doors (sliding or hinged) 180 x 330ml bottle capacity 4 adjustable shelves Temperature range +2 to +12C Dimensions: 900w x 500d x 900h Rating 13A 1 year Parts & Labour Warranty Rental from £10+VAT per week Call0345 061 5050to order yours today! A wide range of...
Dyer, The Baby Farmer/Knocked 'Em in the Old Kent Road/W on't You Buy My Sweet Blooming Lavender?/The Fire Ship MGV 2139 - Stan W ilson - Stan W ilson [1960] W anderin'/Frankie and Johnny/Venezuela/John Henry/Tongue Tied Boy/Barbara Allen/King Edward the 8th/Foggy Foggy Dew/...
Sept. 10, at the "Red Cow Inn," Dover, Mr. George Wild, in the 59th year of his age, much respected. From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer, 26 December, 1863. INFRINGEMENT OF LICENSE Ann Wylde, landlady of the "Red Cow" public-house, was summonsed on the information of...
Archive material from Dover, Kent, England. Original material from Barry Smith, The Dover Express and The Dover Mercury.
DOVER KENT ARCHIVES An early Dover tram in Bench Street, around 1900, as it nears New Bridge, in the foreground. Note the old Shakespeare Hotel on the left above Page the grocer. The hotel later extended over the Crypt Restaurant further down. I wonder why two policemen are standing in ...
The plans for the new hotel in Cannon Street have been prepared, and we understand it is to be called the "Hotel Metropole." From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 12 January, 1900. PLATE GLASS SMASH: COMMITTED FOR TRIAL ...