每条统计都进行主题词、特征词等规范化标引,统计末尾标有[PubMed-indexedforMEDLINE]医学文献检索PubMed专家讲座第5页Part1 了解PubMedIn-processcitations暂时存放还未标引MeSH主题词、文件类型最新数据,待数据完成标引后再转入MEDLINE,统计末尾标有[PubMed-inProcess]医学文献检索PubMed专家讲座第6页Part1 了解PubMed...
PI.IIDPubl.led-indexed for I.IEDUNE: Reia胤 articles d See more. ▼I 在检索框中键入一个或多个英文单词(大写或小写均可), ■击GO按钮,PubMed系统会 自动在主题词表,期刊名表,短语 ,及作者索引中查询与输入的词相匹配的形式,这就是它特有的 ,•自动词汇匹配功能”。 例如:检索肿瘤( cancer)方面...
/pmc/journals/向作者索要作者主页 五、PubMed其他功能认识PubMed——让它融入您的科研六、PubMed的个性化服务认识PubMed——让它融入您的科研保存检索式(生成URL或HTML实现共享)检索结果的分类过滤特定功能的参数设置六、PubMed的个性化服务认识PubMed——让它融入您的科研经由2000多位专家学者的评价推荐,提供目前世界...
Part 2 检索方法检索方法 基本检索 (search) 期刊检索 (Journals Database) 其他检索功能 高级检索(Advanced search) 主题检索 (MeSH Database)第15页,共45页。 Part 2 检索方法检索方法基本检索 (search):主界面默认的检索方法自动词语匹配 (Automatic Terms Mapping)精确检索截词检索字段限定检索著者检索期刊检索...
A survey on Iranian medical journals' status revealed that the number of journals in all three databases has been growing. "General and Internal Medicine", "Health", and "Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmacy" are the subjects with the highest number of indexed jou...
MeSH Translation Table 主题词注释表 Journals Translation Table 期刊注释表 Common Phrase List 常用词组表 Author Index 作者索引表 No Mapping 检索词拆分AND 简介 PubMed的特点 PubMed检索界面 基本检索输入框 特征栏提供辅助 检索功能 侧栏提供其他检索如期刊数据库检索、主题词数据库检索、特定文献检索 执行检索...
Most readers would probably be surprised to learn that only a small fraction of journals are accepted into the club of indexed journals on their first attempt. Most in fact have to resubmit their portfolio, and they cannot do this for at least 2 years after a failed application. It is ...
Unclassified [#IABV2_LABEL_PURPOSES#] [#IABV2_LABEL_FEATURES#] [#IABV2_LABEL_PARTNERS#] Searchfor Articles: All JournalsAcousticsActa Microbiologica Hellenica (AMH)ActuatorsAdhesivesAdministrative SciencesAdolescentsAdvances in Respiratory Medicine (ARM)AerobiologyAerospaceAgricultureAgriEngineeringAgrochemicalsAg...