Rainfed areas in Mexico accounts for 14 million hectares where around 23 million people live and are located in places where there is a little climatic information. The severe drought that has impacted northern Mexico in the past several years as well as other parts of the country, has forced...
PAGES IN THIS WEBSITE 141 SSL EXTERNAL LINKS 5,807 SITE IP LOAD TIME 2.149 sec SCORE 6.2 PAGE TITLE <META> DESCRIPTION This platform provides access to journals, books and databases from RSC Publishing, linking over 1 million chemical science articles and chapters. You can acces...
http://www.asce.org/Public-Policies-and-Priorities/Public-Policy-Statements/Policy-Statement-418—The-Role-of-the-Civil-Engineer-in-Sustainable-Development/ [5]The Royal Academy of Engineering (2005) Engineering for Sustainable Development: Guiding Principles. The Royal Academy of Engineering, London....
The discussion in this section suggests otherwise, but such a "myth" cannot be fully disproven without a proper, real-world implementation to test it. All of the new and ongoing developments around peer review [43] demonstrate researchers' desire for more than what many traditional journals can...
Focusing on what can happen after the presumed finish line, this study identifies journals that have converted from OA to a subscription model, and places these "reverse flips" within the greater context of scholarly publishing. In particular, we examine specific journal descriptors, such as access...
To study the rainstorm waterlogging disaster in Huinan, Pudong District, an urban waterlogging model coupled with the rainfall runoff sub-model, underground network sub-model and the overland flow sub-model has been set up by MIKE FLOOD. After the validation with the actual reports of the waterl...
Rainfed areas in Mexico accounts for 14 million hectares where around 23 million people live and are located in places where there is a little climatic information. The severe drought that has impacted northern Mexico in the past several years as well as other parts of the country, has forced...
Home Aticles Journals Books Services Blog Scientific Research Publishing An Academic PublisherRainstorm Waterlogging Disaster 12月 19, 2014 Numerical Study on the Impact of GongJi Road Rain Pump on the Waterlogging in Huinan, Pudong DistrictRead full paper at: http://www.scirp.org/journal/Paper...