MN Publishing Companies - Rodney K Press is a full-service publisher located in Minnesota. Manuscripts, layout, design & editing.
Book Publishing Companies is a fully searchable database of book publisher listings. We have 100s of books publishers.
So, below is a list of 27 of the best book publishing companies that authors can contact directly. Note:Be sure to check each of the publishing companies' websites and submission requirements carefully. You'll make a great first impression by applying only to those publishing houses that carry...
In 1988, Diane and Alan Page created the Page Education Foundation to encourage Minnesota students of color to pursue post-secondary education. From its inception, the Page Education Foundation has offered financial assistance to students of color facing barriers to attaining their educational dreams. ...
In 1988, Diane and Alan Page created the Page Education Foundation to encourage Minnesota students of color to pursue post-secondary education. From its inception, the Page Education Foundation has offered financial assistance to students of color facing barriers to attaining their educational dreams. ...
In 1988, Diane and Alan Page created the Page Education Foundation to encourage Minnesota students of color to pursue post-secondary education. From its inception, the Page Education Foundation has offered financial assistance to students of color facing barriers to attaining their educational dreams. ...
In total, $10 million will be awarded over two years to support projects by Chicago Public Media (Chicago Sun-Times, WBEZ), Minnesota Star Tribune, Newsday, Philadelphia Inquirer, and Seattle Times, for AI focuses varying from text summarization and translation to media analyzation and marketing ...
Owning the Means of Production is a small but mighty zine full of tools to help you get a co-op up and running, based on the experiences of the Jefferson People's House in Duluth, Minnesota. You can also help your gift recipient show their support for co-ops or their Bartleby stance ...
Helping Companies & Businesses MGI helps companies through consulting, articles, and books geared to improve a companies income or cash flow. Direct consultations can be done with the author for either board level or C level advice. In addition, small businesses can also be helped in strategic...
This social dimension in a three-dimensional virtual world allows companies to create interactive experiences such as virtual events and product demonstrations, improving customer experience which are critical in marketing. Published in Chapter: How the Metaverse Can Leverage the Business World; From: ...