Wiley is more than a book publishing company. With over 200 years of experience, we have everything you need to know to prepare, submit, publish, and promote.
But don’t just take our word for it… Read on to find out why we’re the right choice for your book, and hear what our authors have to say. Expertise and support Your success matters to us. From the moment you start on your publishing journey, we’re by your side, providing ...
over policy decisions by these companies and they may change their policies as they wish from time to time. Publishing a book in most cases is easy to get done...getting stocked and soldin major internet bookstores is the hardest thing to accomplish. This means, under the present policies...
An information marketplace for the global publishing industry - publishers, authors, literary agents and all kinds of publishing service providers
As we mentioned before, each retailer offers its own ebook publishing platform for authors to upload their books. Where they differ is in the cut that they take, which depends on your royalties and their exclusivity programs. What are the best self-publishing companies out there? Find out in...
Book Publishing Companies is a fully searchable database of book publisher listings. We have 100s of books publishers.
deceptive practices, because so-called book publishing companies take advantage of writers' dreams of becoming published. If the sales pitch sounds too good to be true, then it usually is. So, what are the best book publishing companies for new authors just getting started as a self-publisher...
The 11 best self-publishing companies for authors Which Self-Publishing Company is Right For You? Start Now Takes 2 minutes 1. Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) When people think about self-publishing a book, Amazon is one of the first companies they consider. Amazon’sKindle Direct Publishingis...
Barnes & Noble Press is a quick and easy eBookpublishing platformof the Barnes & Noble enterprise. It enables authors to publish their books in less than twenty minutes, putting them up for sale within three days. The platform also allows you to publish your book on other platforms simultaneou...
Andrew Williams Born on September 22, 1966, in New York City: • Youngest son of a Pastor• Worked in Business management, as an Analyst and a Consultant for fortune 500 companies in both New York City and Atlanta for businesses such as: IEE, Merrill Lynch, AT&T, NCR, Home Depot cor...