Special Issues and Collections offer a platform to showcase your expertise, focusing on a specific research area within the scope of a journal. These curated collections often spotlight trending topics, highlight important sub-disciplines, or explore the latest cross-disciplinary applications. ...
The model aims to support recommendations for researchers such as research paper recommendation, collaboration recommendation, expert recommendation, and publication venue recommendation that we have been working on.Tin HuynhKiem HoangInternational Conference on Computational Collective Intelligence : Technologies ...
This study analyzes the impact that publishing during the period of PhD study has on researchers’ future knowledge production, impact, and co-authorship. The analysis is based on a representative sample of PhDs from all fields of science working in Portugal. For each researcher in the dataset,...
Finally, there are serious issues about access to publications. The ever-increasing quantity of research makes it extremely difficult for researchers in all but the most specialized fields to keep up with the activities of their peers. The use of summaries and abstracts is one compensating technique...
Researchers' ability to accurately screen fossil and subfossil specimens for preservation of DNA and protein sequences remains limited. Thermal exposure and geologic age are usable proxies for sequence preservation on a broad scale but are of nominal use for specimens of similar depositional environments...
The fact that publishing has become an imperative in the scientific world of today is compounded for the non-Anglophone scientist by the fact that English has become the international language of science. This poses problems for the language training of future science researchers [45] and for the...
Springer Nature announced that it has founded a Latin American Research Advisory Council (LARAC) to better support and collaborate with researchers in the region. This joins the publisher’s existing research advisory councils in Africa (ARAC), Europe (ERAC), Japan (JRAF), Korea (KRAF), and...
Enago Academy provides ESL researchers with comprehensive knowledge resources to achieve their publication goals and enhance their research career.
Karger Publishers extended the partnership with the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES), providing access to the entire Karger Journal Collection for researchers from 260 Brazilian institutions. Brought to you by Morgan Healey Featured Vacancies: Sales Manager Central Eu...
Enago Academy provides ESL researchers with comprehensive knowledge resources to achieve their publication goals and enhance their research career.