Moss-Covered Claws, the debut short story collection from fantasy author Jonah Barnett, is filled with tales of anxiety-feeding demons, anti-fascists that travel dimensions, and the vengeful spirits of dead seabirds. Barnett mashes dreams and reality together in 11 macabre tales of speculative fict...
“You have what it takes, Miss Davies?” asked Rachel. “Here,” replied the supervisor, presenting a sort of large wooden pallet, trimmed with a short handle, “is something like the washerwoman’s beater.” Miss Rachel took hold of it and laid her left hand on Maud’s bare loins. ...
7. Davies, Florence (1 book) 8. Deane, David J. (2 books) 9. Demaurex, R. (1 book) 10. Drewsen, Mary Emma (3 books) 11. E.E. Whitfield (1 book) 12. Echoes of Grace (79 books) 13. Elliott, R. (14 books) 14.
critical recoveries reveal a fashion for mainstream publishers' interventions in this field. This study examines how while this class of literature has often gone missing from publishing history, worker-writers' novels and short-story collections knocked on the door of mainstream literary production. Ta...
Blue Pencil is a reputed book publishing company for print books, ebooks. Along with traditional publishing we also offer Print on Demand and Self Publishing.
As you’ll have realised from the Tennants above, the books include non-fiction, like Australian historian Russell Ward’s memoir,A radical life. There are also books of poetry, such as AD Hope’sSelected poems, and short story collections. ...
Like Alinusa when this story begins, in the late 1950s: few inhabitants who have known each other since forever, three peaks visible from the sea, dry vegetation, black soil. And the struggle of the men and women for their daily subsistence: fishing, meager farming … Offered by: Valeria...
Milet Publishing(Feb 2015) Sorry, this item is temporarily out of stock + print + add to favorites Overview Author Biography Overview Boundless Solitudetells the story of Handan Sarp, a soprano at the Istanbul City Opera who has struggled throughout her life to come to terms with her lesbianis...
The short synopsis of each book was very helpful to set the scene for each book. My disappointment was in that most exerpts where the first chapter of every book but which isn't always the best chapter to read get a reader connected to the story. Some of the chapters were enthralling ...
This short-form book highlights the extent of de Ecclesia’s little-acknowledged influence on the scribal practice of Late Medieval Europe; an in-depth exploration of the scribe’s art, it undertakes a considered analysis of two of his major surviving works, as well as a third manuscript he...