Moss-Covered Claws, the debut short story collection from fantasy author Jonah Barnett, is filled with tales of anxiety-feeding demons, anti-fascists that travel dimensions, and the vengeful spirits of dead seabirds. Barnett mashes dreams and reality together in 11 macabre tales of speculative fict...
Davies, Florence (1 book) 8. Deane, David J. (2 books) 9. Demaurex, R. (1 book) 10. Drewsen, Mary Emma (3 books) 11. E.E. Whitfield (1 book) 12. Echoes of Grace (79 books) 13. Elliott, R. (14 books) 14. Ellis, J.J. (14 books) ...
Jean Fort was a prolific producer of erotica, under a variety of imprints, his Collection des Orties Blanches (White Nettles), was specifically dedicated to sado- masochistic story lines. Fort produced a very large number of titles under this imprint, between 1920-1939, illustrated by various a...
Boundless Solitudetells the story of Handan Sarp, a soprano at the Istanbul City Opera who has struggled throughout her life to come to terms with her lesbianism in a society that shuns the open expression of female queerness. The story unfolds through a series of vignettes that explore Handa...
critical recoveries reveal a fashion for mainstream publishers' interventions in this field. This study examines how while this class of literature has often gone missing from publishing history, worker-writers' novels and short-story collections knocked on the door of mainstream literary production. Ta...
As you’ll have realised from the Tennants above, the books include non-fiction, like Australian historian Russell Ward’s memoir,A radical life. There are also books of poetry, such as AD Hope’sSelected poems, and short story collections. ...
Like Alinusa when this story begins, in the late 1950s: few inhabitants who have known each other since forever, three peaks visible from the sea, dry vegetation, black soil. And the struggle of the men and women for their daily subsistence: fishing, meager farming … Offered by: Valeria...
I’m Hannah McCall and I have worked on more than 270 projects since 2015, including murder mysteries, fantasy fiction and short-story collections. All of these have been completed to the highest editorial standards, while respecting and strengthening the author’s voice. Work with me There is...
Johannes de Ecclesia was a prominent medieval-era scribe known to have worked for a largely Catalan-speaking clientele in late fourteenth century Bruges. This short-form book highlights the extent of de Ecclesia’s little-acknowledged influence on the scribal practice of Late Medieval Europe; an ...