If this scares you, keep it simple. If this is your first time publishing a book, I’d recommend starting with a simple ebook on Amazon. Once that is done, you can expand to a paperback and to other channels like Kobo and Draft to Digital. If you know up front that you want to g...
” Both pieces of information are optional but worth paying attention to. To upload your ebook, you don’t need an ISBNbarcode, Amazon will assign one to your book for free. Nevertheless, we recommend you always buy your ownISBN if you can afford it since you can register your name as ...
1. Designed for Public Sale on Amazon: The CAP package is intended for authors who want to make their book available publicly on Amazon. If you're only interested in hard copies for personal use, this package isn't needed. Each CAP package comes with a unique ISBN-13 number and barcode...
You should definitely publish on Amazon (a.k.a.Kindle Digital Publishing, or KDP). Even if you despise Jeff Bezos and resent Amazon for driving so many brick-and-mortar bookstores out of business, Amazon is where the vast majority of people buy books. I do 95% of my volume through Ama...
6. Publish your book 1. Start an account on Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) The first step is to set up a KDP account, which is quick, free, and easy. Hop over to Kindle Direct Publishing and either sign in with your existing Amazon account or sign up for one. Once you’re logged...
One popular self-publishing platform is Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), which offers a free and accessible way to publish your book. I will explainhow to publish a bookusing self-publishing and traditional publishing methods, emphasizing the importance of hiring a professional editor and cove...
It can take Amazon sometimes months to learn where a book belongs, meanwhile, the book sits in limbo in either the wrong genre, or languishing somewhere at the bottom of the sales rank. A pre-order with the boost of an ad set, can help pave smart pathways to your book and bring mor...
Book marketing services Get access to exclusive marketing services and perks. Run price promotions, send free review copies, run ads, and much more. Dedicated account manager Every publisher gets a dedicated account manager who helps you solve issues quickly, with big players like Amazon and Google...
Are you looking to publish a book but don't know where to start? Read this expert guide to know how to publish your book to Amazon.
If your book is selling enough copies on Amazon, usually a sales rank in the 20K range will do it, Amazon will notice in one of their weekly updates and price-match the book to free. This is known as the "permafree" method, since your book is free all the time. The advantage of ...