Although these folders are completely harmless, if we don't support these languages we might reasonably want to prevent them from being generated. To do that, open the project file (the one ending with the.csprojprefix) and add the<SatelliteResourceLanguages>element to the first PropertyGroup (t...
ASP.NET Core 2.2 Web API Angular. Hosting provider says 500 - Internal server error. ASP.Net Core 3.0 : How to validate JWT Bearer Tokens ASP.NET Core 3.1 Angular Web App builds and runs on Windows but fails on Mac OSX and in Docker ASP.NET Core 3.1 image problem with "~" sign AS...
If you are using the version before 1.0.1, i.e., the version that has the project.json, please take a look in the following post where I show how to create a self-contained package for a console application. The concept is the same to a Web Application. After having the ...
Thebackground-image: url('../Images/example.png') is correct in IIS but in Develop no. I had view css file in browser in IIS and project Debug, url pointer: IIS:url(../Assets/Images/teste.png); -> http://localhost/Teste/Assets/Images/teste.png ->Correct Debug:url(../Assets/Imag...
The first thing you can try is to enable FTPPassive modeon yourpublish settingsconfiguration, so FTP will be able to work even behind NAT routers or dedicated firewalls. To change yourpublish settings,right-clickto the project node inSolution Explorer, then access the...
'Debug' doesn't matter I guess because it's set to Release, but I changed it in desperation: Profile: TestApp; Launch: Project; Working dir: C:\...\TestApp\TestApp; AspNetCore_Environment: Production.Then I build both solution and project, go to Publish -> Folder (Output folder: bin...
</PropertyGroup> <ItemGroup> <Content Update="appsettings.Test.json" CopyToPublishDirectory="Never" /> </ItemGroup> </Project>All replies (1)Saturday, October 26, 2019 10:19 PMyou probably need to use Run target before or after publishing. see:/...
ASP.Net MVC 5 - Upload Image, Save to Database, Create Thumbnail and Display in View ASP.NET MVC 5 Cannot Add a Reference To Another Project ASP.Net MVC 5 Cookie loses expiration upon return from the browser Asp.Net MVC 5, how to impersonate user on IIS ASP.NET MVC 5: Ajax call ...
ASP.Net MVC 5 - Upload Image, Save to Database, Create Thumbnail and Display in View ASP.NET MVC 5 Cannot Add a Reference To Another Project ASP.Net MVC 5 Cookie loses expiration upon return from the browser Asp.Net MVC 5, how to impersonate user on IIS ASP.NET MVC 5: Ajax call ...
ASP.Net MVC 5 - Upload Image, Save to Database, Create Thumbnail and Display in View ASP.NET MVC 5 Cannot Add a Reference To Another Project ASP.Net MVC 5 Cookie loses expiration upon return from the browser Asp.Net MVC 5, how to impersonate user on IIS ASP.NET MVC 5: Ajax call ...