(redirected fromPublicly funded healthcare) Thesaurus Medical health care alsohealth·care(hĕlth′kâr′) n. The prevention, treatment, and management of illness and the preservation of mental and physical well-being through the services offered by the medical and allied health professions. ...
Universal Publicly Funded Health Care: Establishing Accountability without CompetitionConsider H.R.676, the House single-payer bill kept "off the table" during health reform negotiations. It proposes public financing of universal health care, but leaves care delivery (doctors and hospitals) private and...
However, economic self-interest is not the solo determinant of policy preference, particularly in the health care domain. The social identity approach of policy preferences argues one's social identification shapes her policy preferences. We recognize the strength of the social identity literature, but...
Courts and health policy: judicial policy making and publicly funded health care in Canada. J. Health Polit. Policy Law 27 (2), 213e240.MANFREDI, C. P.; MAIONI, A. Courts and health policy: Judicial policy making and publicly funded health care in Canada. Journal of Health Politics, ...
(NHS) is the shared name of three of the four publicly funded healthcare systems in the United Kingdom. The systems are primarily funded through general taxation rather than requiring insurance payments, and were founded in 1948. They provide a comprehensive range of health services, the vas[...
AMACROECONOMICANALYSISOFPUBLICLYFUNDEDHEALTHCARE 系统标签: healthcaremacroeconomicfundedpubliclymedicareanalysis AMACROECONOMICANALYSISOFPUBLICLYFUNDEDHEALTHCARE HeatherL.BednarekandRowenaA.Pecchenino* 1November1999 *BednarekisResearchFellow,CenterforCostandFinancingStudies,AgencyforHealthCare PolicyandResearch.Peccheninois...
Dental Care in Canada: the Need for Incorporation into Publicly Funded Health Care UBC Medical JournalMcClymont, Elisabeth
Publicly funded healthcareDiscrete choice experiments (DCEs) commonly include a monetary attribute. This enables willingness to pay (WTP), a monetary measure of benefit, to be estimated for non-monetary attributes. There has been concern that the inclusion of a cost attribute challenges the ...
In the light of federal cuts in the Medicaid budget, the Medicaid-funded health delivery system is under severe cost pressures, especially in publicly funded institutions. In the private health insurance industry, managed care innovations have successfully restrained costs. For publicly funded institution...
We found that benefits received from publicly funded healthcare in Canada reduce the income gap between the highest- and lowest-income groups by 16%. This analysis provides a starting point for future research to explore the distributional effects of different options for financing healthcare. In ...