In some cases, bus drivers were caught on camera running past other buses that had their stop arms extended for loading or unloading students. Dallas County Schools had never punished the drivers involved. Instead, the district spent $80,000 of taxpayers’ money to pay the fines....
An inflow hydrograph, the inflow over time, serves as the inlet boundary condition, and the water level as a function of the flow serves as the output boundary condition. For the value of the Chézy friction coefficient, 31 m1/2/s was set when calibrating the model based on the flood ris...
All eyes in the world of wine will be on the Haidian district of Beijing next year when it hosts the 25th edition of the Brussels World Wine Competition (Concours Mondial) from May 11 and 13, 2018. (BRF)Beijing ready for upcoming Belt and Road forum: spokesperson Beijing is ready to hos...
Over the past 15 years, I have served on a national expert Child Fatality Review Team, a member of a local county team, an advisor to the New York City Council as they developed legislation requiring child death reviews which was signed into law by Mayor Michael Bloomberg, and as a consul...
Because of global climate change, extreme flood events are expected to increase in quantity and intensity in the upcoming decades. In catchments affected by ore mining, flooding leads to the deposition of fine sediments enriched in trace metal(loid)s. De
Smith represents the Senate District 31, covering much of central Broward County. The Fort Lauderdale Democrat is also Democratic Minority Leader of the Florida Senate. During the final hours of session on Friday night, Sen. Darren Soto announced the award on the Senate floor, where Smith receive...
As an example, if a project were located in the county area of Shandong Province, the local government would need more than $100 million to supply general budget revenue, and it would need to increase its GDP to more than $1438.29 million [146]. While local governments with lower revenues...
1,3 1 Faculty of Medicine and Biological Sciences, Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, 720229 Suceava, Romania 2 BK Laboratory, SuceavaCounty Emergency Hospital, 720224 Suceava, Romania 3 Integrated Center for Research, Development and Innovation in Advanced Materials, Nanotechnologies, and Distribute...
1. Introduction Globally, the COVID-19 (C19) pandemic exposed systemic weaknesses in infrastruc- tures, supply chains, government preparedness and actions, human resources, and public health systems, among others. Further, the pandemic presented challenges for govern- ment health officials and ...