However, little work has examined whether this sex difference is similarly true for people who have never married in comparison to those who have experienced marriage. Never married older people are theoretically more likely to prefer being single (given that they have never chosen to marry), and...
But Molly Gilbert, the president of the union that represents King County Department of Public Defense employees, said that during brief, abortedpilotto house King County inmates at the Des Moines jail, the wifi would frequently “just shut off, and [the clients] were never in confidential areas...
Another study reporting on early pregnancy and schooling in rural Zambia highlighted competing discourses of the problem of adolescent pregnancy and valorisation of girls who stayed in schools versus discourses around fertility being prized and the social and economic security of early marriage, cemented ...
Cutoff criteria for fit indexes in covariance structure analysis: Conventional criteria versus new alternatives. Struct Equ Modeling. 1999;6(1):1–55. Article Google Scholar Newsom J. Some clarifications and recommendations on fit indices. USP. 2015;1(1):10–21. Google Scholar Parry S. Fit...
spousal relationship. He told me that he could change my life. He also promised to open a business centre and invited me to have sex with him. Merely, I turned down upon his request. Also, I told him to keep confidential what he requested.” (IDI, two years of service in a ...
Garland made numerous efforts to halt McGrath’s abuse of boys. On 23 May 1973, he rang the RUC on a confidential line. His complaint was recorded in a log in 1973. It is reproduced below. The RUC did not act on the report.This hardly surprising as MI6, MI5 and the RUC special bra...
marriage funds construction civil changed attempt americans wait source someone shows practice park jack highly fifty everyone discussion base remain project product poetry older lord famous dance break balance authority annual structure principal pieces pass obvious objective names leadership laws key fell ...
The BoE is considered highly sensitive and confidential information. Historically, many CSPs have not been willing to share their BoE with customers. However, Microsoft is transparent and will allow for customers to access the BoE under a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA). ...
However, as this study designed a survey with the anonymous and confidential commitment, it was expected to partly reduce such a bias. We conducted an intervention study using a not really longitudinal design because we launched interventions first, but only thereafter carried out a post-...
You’re married. Usually, it’s somebody who’s not married who says that. And it’s definitely not something I’d want somebody to know because of the picture of what my marriage is.” Participants (n = 6) also observed a decrease in HIV stigma as a result of PrEP. U4 stated...