在模块1中声明一个公共变量PublicmyVariable As Integer在模块2中使用该公共变量SubUpdateVariable()myVariable=myVariable + 1MsgBox"Updated variable value: " & myVariableEndSub在模块3中声明一个公共函数PublicFunction AddNumbers(ByVal num1 As Integer, ByVal num2 As Integer) As IntegerAddNumbers=num1 +...
'在模块1中声明一个公共变量PublicmyVariable As Integer'在模块2中使用该公共变量SubUpdateVariable()myVariable=myVariable + 1MsgBox"Updated variable value: " & myVariableEndSub'在模块3中声明一个公共函数PublicFunction AddNumbers(ByVal num1 As Integer, ByVal num2 As Integer) As IntegerAddNumbers=num...
Sub UseVariableValue() MsgBox myVariable '显示公共变量的值 End Sub 公共过程和函数的声明 在VBA中,公共过程和函数可以在整个项目中的任何地方进行调用。使用public关键字声明公共过程或函数非常简单。下面是一些示例: vba Public SubMyPublicSub() '这是一个公共过程 End Sub Public Function MyPublicFunction()...
Declaring a variable as Public inside a userform does not make it public. It is still private and only visible to that userform code module only. link - learn.microsoft.com/en-us/office/vba/language/reference/user-interface-help/public-statement ...
Public myVariable As Integer 这里,我们定义了一个名为myVariable的整型变量,并将其声明为公共变量。这意味着我们可以在整个项目的任何地方使用这个变量,而无需重新定义它。 2.在类模块中定义公共过程 在一个名为"Class1"的类模块中,我们可以定义一个公共过程,如下所示: Public Sub DisplayMessage() MsgBox "Hel...
To declare a public variable, do so in a standard module (the kind that you create by selecting Insert > Module) instead of in the ThisWorkbook module. You only need to do this in one module. Make sure that you use the keyword Public: ...
Re: Declaring a variable public in VBA @perkin_warbeck To declare a public variable, do so in a standard module (the kind that you create by selecting Insert > Module) instead of in the ThisWorkbook module. You only need to do this in one module. ...
varnameRequired. Name of the variable; follows standard naming conventions. subscriptsOptional. Dimensions of an array variable; up to 60 multiple dimensions may be declared. Thesubscriptsargumentuses the following syntax: [lowerTo]upper[ , [lowerTo]upper]. . . ...