With most comprehensive database of International Tenders, Projects, Business news and Contract Award from Multilateral Funding agencies, Federal, State, County Government, Utilities sector, Hospitals, Schools, Ports, NGO's, Defense Forces etc. In addition, it also offers market & Company Intelligence...
That is actually akin to what I was saying about properly regulated. A bank should not be in business to maximize profit if it is a necessary part of the economy like electric and natural gas utilities. Those utility businesses are operated under heavy regulation that limits their opportunity f...
They've hit homes, businesses, churches, construction sites, utilities, telephone companies and storage lots. They've ripped out copper wiring, dismantled air conditioning units and illegally scrapped manhole covers, stop signs, interstate guardrails, park benches, railroad ties and chain-link fences...
County Government, Utilities sector, Hospitals, Schools, Ports, NGO's, Defense Forces etc. In addition, it also offers market & Company Intelligence information, Bid Outsourcing, Bid Advisory & E-procurement support as its major service offerings supporting SME's to Fortune 500 companies world over...