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[8]Boachie, M. K and Ramu, K. (2015), “Public Health Expenditure and Health status in Ghana”. Munich Personal RePEc Archive (MPRA) Paper (66371). https://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/66371/ [9]Castro-Leal, F., Dayton, J., Demery, L. and Mehra, K. (2000), “Public Spending on...
Mobile health apps, particularly personal health records (PHRs), play a vital role in healthcare digitalization. However, the varying governance approaches for providing PHR platforms have led to a growing debate on the adequate regulation of health technology with regard to their adoption. This art...
The German system of public administration, which is embedded in the Rechtsstaat culture and deeply S. Kuhlmann • I. Proeller University of Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany e-mail: skuhlman@uni-potsdam.de; proeller@uni-potsdam.de D. Schimanke (*) Ministry of Labour, Women, Health, Social ...
For circumstances in which the degree of involvement of different disciplines is not clear, they suggest using the term “multiple disciplinary” [18]. Others have referred to the continuum of multiple disciplinary work as “cross-disciplinarity”, with uni-disciplinary work at one end and ...
An open (non-logging, non-filtering, non-censoring) DoH resolver operated by Freifunk Munich with nodes in DE. https://ffmuc.net/sdns://AgcAAAAAAAAAFVsyMDAxOjY3ODplNjg6ZjAwMDo6XaDMEGDTnIMptitvvH0NbfkwmGm5gefmOS1c2PpAj02A5qD39a8ogB6HfX3zor4o_hSfMnSn7SnxNv1QPOOYy6gLDaCzXgWVDPvYJZ...
Munich Personal RePEc Archive, Paper No. 3870.Rathinam and Raja, "Economic Efficiency of Public Interest Litigations (PIL): Lessons from India" (2008)A.V Raja,Francis Xavier.Rathinam, Economic Efficiency of Public Interest Litigations (PIL): Lessons from India. http://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen....
The advantage of private operation is particularly strong in countries with large shares of public funding.doi:doi:http://epub.ub.uni-muenchen.de/19651/LUDGER WOESSMANNCESifoCESifo Working Paper SeriesWossmann, L. (2006): Public-Private Partnership and Schooling Outcomes across Countries. CESifo ...
Changing collective behaviour and supporting non-pharmaceutical interventions is an important component in mitigating virus transmission during a pandemic. In a large international collaboration (Study 1, N = 49,968 across 67 countries), we investi
Acta Uni- versitatis Upsaliensis. OECD. (2015). Improving schools in Sweden: An OECD perspective. OECD Publishing. OECD. (2016). Principalship for Learning. Insights form TALIS 2013. OECD Publish- ing. Retrieved from http://www.keepeek.com/Digital-Asset-Management/oecd/education/ school-...