The NTP Pool Project: Public Time Servers For Everyone The NTP pool project has been around for some time. The project provides Internet access to very large virtual clusters ofNTPservers. The time servers that make up the pools are volunteered and made public by individuals or enterprises that...
PORTLAND, USA Seattle BHS VIN HIL Logs Data Platform ✓ Key Management Service (KMS) ✓ ✓ Compute See our products APAC Singapore-Australia Singapore, Sydney SGP1 SYD1 Metal Instances Discovery ✓ ✓ General Purpose ✓ ✓ Compute optimized ✓ ✓ Memory optimized ✓ ...
We ran a database intensive web application at various levels of load on cloud servers from AdvancedHosting and Genesis Public Cloud. This is the average response time measured locally on the VPS for each plan we tested. Local Response Time per Plan ...
We ran a database intensive web application at various levels of load on cloud servers from Genesis Public Cloud and netcup. This is the average response time measured locally on the VPS for each plan we tested. Local Response Time per Plan Lower is better...
CurrencyScoop Real-time and historical currency rates JSON API apiKey Yes Yes Czech National Bank A collection of exchange rates No Yes Unknown Economia.Awesome Portuguese free currency prices and conversion with no rate limits No Yes Unknown ExchangeRate-API Free currency conversion apiKey Yes Yes...
apilayer coinlayer Real-time Crypto Currency Exchange Rates apiKey Yes Unknown Binance Exchange for Trading Cryptocurrencies based in China apiKey Yes Unknown Bitcambio Get the list of all traded assets in the exchange No Yes Unknown BitcoinAverage Digital Asset Price Data for the blockchain industr...
It’s time for governments worldwide to take the journey to digital, and while many have made steps forward in their transformation, the full potential of digital government remains largely untapped. We live in a digital age where outdated legacy systems with complex processes and difficult-to-us...
Names for SUSE's public cloud images consist of multiple parts that contain information about the product, its version, a time stamp indicating the release date of the image, and more. The general naming scheme for SUSE's public cloud images is as follows: PRODUCT-FLAVOR-vVERSION-VIRTUALIZATI...
Discover our range of certifications for specific business sectors. OVHcloud has built solutions specially designed for healthcare, financial services and the public sector.
Many existing public key encryption schemes with keyword search are vulnerable to threats from semi-honest but curious servers. This means that the server storing the data may provide incomplete or incorrect information in response to search queries. In this study, we introduce a new approach ...