Public Surplus is the best government surplus auction system available. Find great deals on heavy equipment, cars, buses and even airplanes. does nothing to combat this. They do put a small symbol next to the bidder handle J***22 (o) where if you mouse over a box will pop up and tell you that this bidder has not payed for bids 3 times and has been banned by 3 agencies but he is bidding up your ...
Public Surplus is the best government surplus auction system available. Find great deals on heavy equipment, cars, buses and even airplanes.
A series of models were analyzed to address the following: (1) the pooled effect of PA interventions across all studies on elementary school age-children’s MC (overall and by measurement), (2) the pooled effect of interventions using only PE compared to the pooled effects of other single...
In free market conditions, if public passenger transport services are commercially unprofitable, there will be no interest for transport companies to perform them. However, directly because of the citizens’ interests, on the one hand, and indirectly because of the economy, passenger public transport...