How to check if a STUN server address is working I try to keep all of the articles in Our Code World updated, however, I work on the blog and other stuff, so I may be not available 24/7 to updated everything that is outdated. Till the date, the given list works pretty well, but... public-stun-list.txt(Unverified) Credits This script was modified from thestun_client.rsexample of projectby Rain uipadded better error handling, more friendly command line interface and fallback toMAPPED-ADDR...
STUN server IP ranges on UDP port 3478. Client PC Network UDP outbound: To the public IP addresses assigned to Network Address Translation (NAT) gateway or the Azure Firewall in an Azure Hosted Network Scenario. For a Microsoft Hosted network scenario, all public IP spaces.Enable...
webrtc.public-ip通过强制设置 stun 协议获得的外网 IP8.8.8.8暂不处理强制设置 stun 协议获得的 hostname9923c2-459f-beeb-ac5f4ca215cf.local 位置相关geo.longitude通过经度117.12874 geo.latitude通过纬度25.3502944 geo.accuracy通过经度精确值2417.3790234045855 ...
I so do not understand why they changed that much the game. May be they want to get rid of old people All Activity Home English Public Test Server Played everything there is on the PTS, this is my full Imput
Two things that stand out. Guild size doesn't impact costs of perks - thus the only thing that matters is numbers, not focus nor quality - which will force players in smaller focused guilds to move to big generic guilds for the benefits or feel left out. ...
修改vue.config.js中的devServer代理traget,使其指向rtcms服务器提供的oam地址 修改main.js的BashUrl,使其指向rtcms服务器提供的ws地址 修改中的iceServers配置,使其指向rtcms服务器提供的stun地址 运行npm run serve 注意:本机调试时,需要使用localhost地址,而不能使用IP地址,因为chrome等浏览器的web...
Choosing between a hard stun and a cooldown reduction on evasion is a meaningful choice, noxious knives are still terrible even with a 25% damage boost. Tactical overdrive should be redesigned in the same way that target acquired should be. Neither choices can compete with the passives on th...
Every class should get its single target stun baseline. It is an absolute must in PvP and in some operations (especially Dxun) hardstuns are very important as well, but so is Hold the Line which it is competing against. I also have a question about Shield Specialist. There is now the ...
Copied directly from They seem to have updated the list of public stun servers recently Public STUN servers s...