yeah I know my strip-and-clip shredder is not NSA-proof but it ought to at least increase the effort required for any actor to read an account number off of a bill.. especially when only 1 in 50 sheets or so evenisa bill
Human health and ecological risk assessment of a 100 ton per hour metal shredder. Belluck, D.; Lynott, W.; Hoff, P The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) performed a first of its kind screening level ecological risk assessment (ERA) and human health risk assessme... DA Belluck -...
The waste separation and treatment practices of the hospitals were poor. Other alternatives for waste treatment rather than incineration such as a locally made autoclave integrated with a shredder should be evaluated and implemented.References Azage M: Assessment of healthcare waste generation rate & ...
Then they are destroyed in a locally developed shredder machine to prevent reuse. The disinfecting and shredded plastic items are used for recycling. Moreover, a small effluent treatment plant has recently been constructed to treat the waste water generated in the plant. One heavy duty autoclaving...
Then they are destroyed in a locally developed shredder machine to prevent reuse. The disinfecting and shredded plastic items are used for recycling. Moreover, a small effluent treatment plant has recently been constructed to treat the waste water generated in the plant. One heavy duty autoclaving...