Mandatory retirementGovernments around the world are reacting to factors that necessitate changes to existing retirement systems for total populations in general and for public service employees in particular. Countries that provide pension systems increasingly push retirement ages higher as people live ...
Federal Employees' Retirement System: The Role of the Thrift Savings Plan [Excerpt] Federal employees participate in one of two retirement systems. The Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS) was established in 1920 and covers onl... KP Isaacs - 《Congressional Research Service Reports》 被引量:...
2.(Government, Politics & Diplomacy)AustralandNZa member of the public service. British equivalent:civil servant Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...
Summary of Nevada Public Employees Retirement Board v. Smith, 129 Nev. Adv. Op. 65 The Court determined two issues: (1) whether an employee under the Public Employees' Retirement System ("PERS") could receive retirement benefits before effectively retiring from PERS; and (2) whether an employ...
The challenges aging poses for the economy, health care, and retirement systems have been long recognized. However, the impact of aging on the transport system has been discovered much more recently and has not been extensively addressed (Buehler and Nobis, 2010). Predominantly due to sustained ...
The first is, as to whether the pay, position, ami vice you will be brought into contact with a large number of retirement of the army surgeon are to be materially increased' individuals. You will at one time be under, and at another and the second, as to whether, in the present ...
German public retirement insurance is in many respects an extreme example of the typical European pay-as-you-go pension system because almost 85% of retirement income stems from this system and only 15% comes from private sources such as... Axel Brsch-Supan - 《World Economics》 被引量: 20...
The language has emerged as a battleground between those seeking to overhaul California’s public retirement system and those determined to defend it.“It’s the one thing every voter will see, and it’s the last thing every voter will see,” said Thomas W. Hiltachk, a lawyer who ...
These proposals seek to cut pension benefits, and, moreover, to increase the retirement age. State and local government employees generally are able to access full retirement benefits at a lower age than most other American workers, for whom the current age for eligibility for full Social ...
This also applies to the following groups of public officers who: Leave the public service under age-limit/early/optional retirement; Retire on medical grounds; or Leave the public service under the Special Resignation Scheme, Special Exit Scheme and Special Gratuity Scheme. Public officers can choo...