The Public Service Commission of Kenya VIS–A–VIS the Union Public Service Commission: A Comparative StudyRatemo Tom Junior
Financial firm TIAA is planning to close its Denver office, which will affect 1,000 jobs in our city. A judge ordered the Penrose, Colorado, owners of a funeral home that stored nearly 200 decaying bodies and gave families fake ashes to pay $950 million to the victims’ relatives. The ru...
make a difference. According toDeloitte’s 2024 Public Sector Human Capital Trends Report, organizations that use shared value to measure performance—Travis County, Texas, is a notable example—are more likely to achieve positive outcomes ranging from innovative customer service to higher agency ...
A glowing-hot piece of space junk more than eight feet in diameter and weighing more than 1,000 poundsfell from the sky and crashed in a remote village inKenya. No one was injured, but scientists warn we should expect more incidents like this as low-orbit space gets more crowded with sa...
Since 2005, the Primary Health Care (PHC) service delivery in Kenya has been driven by Kenya Essential Package for Health (KEPH) concept, which identifies disease hot spots, age cohort cost effective interventions, and the nature of service package [18]. Over the years, the need for health ...
The neo-liberal approach not only travelled across the globe, but also across sectors. Many public sector reforms were based on the idea that the public sector should perform in a more business-like manner, become more efficient in service delivery, respond to the ...
Food safety is integral to food security and is increasingly becoming a significant concern in the urban areas of Africa, which are rapidly growing in population. In the case of Ghana, many urban households depend on traditional open-air markets for most
Country of origin of drugs seized in the European Union on grounds of contravention of intellectual property rights (2006). Source: European Commission [117]. Full size image By its nature, the global scale of the problem of sale of inactive or dangerous substitutes for medications by criminal ...
In light of the above scenario the Kenya public service is not an exception. Although the mandate of the commission is to provide competent human resource in the public service, low morale and lack of staff motivation has remained a major challenge that Public Service Commission has to endure ...