iprcommission.org 然而,商业私营部门一般希望对数 据库的非法使用加以控制,使它们 从订费中获得最大程度的收入,即使其中包括的一些数 据可能已存在于公共领域或是通过公 共资 助的 研究收集得来的。 iprcommission.org The situation is now under control, but tensions are still high and the underlying gri...
additional prerequisites must be in place, like an effective national quality infrastructure system for integrity and sustainability. As long as countries lack internationally recognized certification, accreditation, or metrology services, food businesses will have to rely on external service providers from o...
The brands, products and service names used or appearing within the Sites (including, without limitation, “pointblank") are the trade marks or trade names of pointblank or its trading partners unless otherwise stated. You may not distribute products or offer services under or by reference to ...
In case the Company detects the abusive use of this service, it is entitled to deduct the fees from the Customer’s trading account. Client has the right to make internal transfers between accounts, with a commission of 0.01%, solely for the purpose of ensuring margin during trading in the...
Belize Business registrycompanysearch.bz Benin Benin Business Directory Berlin Transport live mapvbb.de Belgrad Public transport mapMetro map Kragujevac Public transport map Niš Public transport map Užice Public transport map Novi Sad Public transport map ...
(Table 1). A comprehensive questionnaire focusing on veterinary public health was developed and reviewed as part of the activities discussed in the meeting coordinated by PANAFTOSA/VPH-PAHO/WHO. The questionnaire was sent to both the official veterinary service and the public health sectors of 32 ...
OFCs = Cyprus (CY), St. Vincent and the Grenadines (VC), Togo (TG), Seychelles (SC), Anguilla (AI), Samoa (WS), Liechtenstein (LI), Belize (BZ), Isle of Man (IM), UK Caribbean (Montserrat (MS), Cayman Islands (KY), Turks and Caicos Islands (TC), Virgin Islands, British...