SmartCOP is a public safety software solution engaged in system development, implementation, and support services.
Adashi Systems provides public safety software to emergency services organizations worldwide. Learn more about our enterprise-level solutions for first responders.
Adashi Systems provides public safety software to emergency services organizations worldwide. Learn more about our enterprise-level solutions for first responders.
KEANS (KOVA Emergency Alert Notification System) provides reliable, simultaneous communication between multiple locations, agencies, business partners, and public address systems (such as loudspeakers, bull horns, and audio distribution repeaters). In an emergency, this public safety software saves precious...
We built our public safety software to help improve safety and reduce risk, working with policing, justice and emergency services.
Public Safety / Officer Safety The FirstTwo application saves lives. It provides real-time visual access to intelligence, leading to better decision-making before, during, and after an event. Efficiency To address staffing shortages, police departments are leveraging technology to enhance efficiency. ...
PowerDMS is the only software platform designed to recruit, train, equip, and protect employees across the public safety and healthcare sectors.
Public SafetySoftware SolutionsCAD and RMS software solutionsincluding court integration for cities, counties, courts and law enforcement.Find out More CMI'scomphrehensive software suiteis specifically designed for Police, Fire and EMS Services.
Discover Samsung public safety solutions for police, fire and EMS first responders, providing integration of data access, defense-grade security and mobile technology to help stay safe and agile.
PUBLIC SAFETY & JUSTICE Your job is to respond to critical incidents as quickly as possible. Fulfilling that duty requires an end-to-end public safety platform that has you covered from the time of incident, through the response and beyond – featuring Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD), Next-gener...