Public rights of way (PROW) in England provide a range of social and economic benefits by allowing people to follow prescribed routes across land belonging to others. In urban areas they provide networks of mobility and interaction, helping to reduce reliance on motorised transport. In the rural...
The development, and public awareness, of the public rights of way network in this period is crucial to understanding post-war approaches to countryside access, and for the challenge of preserving footpaths in the future. Introduction The modern network of rights of way in England has a long ...
Purpose: This paper aims to compare the law with regard to private property rights and restrictions and public controls in England and the USA, and the theoretical debates that surround them, to understand whether the private land use controls of nuisance and restrictive covenants could have a gre...
“Our ambition is to create a platform to react quickly to disease, which involves the creation of terabytes of imaging data. Using Oracle Cloud, we can distribute the data across multiple processors and get results in a fraction of the time of a traditional on-premise system.” ...
Rhode Island was the first of the original 13 colonies to renounce allegiance to Great Britain in 1776 and was the last to ratify the Constitution in 1790, insisting that the Bill of Rights be added., Following the American Revolution, the country's first successful water-powered cotton mill ...
This paper investigates the way in which the European Union's Television Without Frontiers directive (recently re-named the Audio-Visual Media Services directive, AVMS) was implemented by two neighbouring states, the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland. Focusing on the broadcasting rights for...
Taiwan rules in favor of same-sex marriage Taiwan's judicial body Wednesday ruled that the current laws that request "marriage between a man and a woman" must be amended, or a new law passed within two years to protect the rights of same-sex couples. Cooperation grows between China, B&R ...
patents count as “public rights” does not render them “public property” and nothing in this decision changes the way private entities lists patents as assets, or the extent to which they can currently trade, buy, sell, or license patents, or perform other forms...
Rights and permissions Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit ...
1.Common Land and Common Right to Land in Early Modern England近代早期英国的公地与土地的公共权利 2.The right to pasture animals on common land.共用权在公共土地上放牧动物的权利 3.To Check Power with Rights: an Important Way to Prevent Alienation of Power;以权利制约权力:遏制公共权力异化的重要...